Competitive ProgrammingHello Programmers 💻 , A one-stop Destination✏️✏️ for all your Competitive Programming Resources.📗📕 Refer for contributions
Stars: ✭ 113 (-29.37%)
GitstartMake a Pull Request
Stars: ✭ 415 (+159.38%)
HacktoberfestHacktoberfest 2018. Check out the end video for this project ->
Stars: ✭ 406 (+153.75%)
Hacktoberfest 2020 Welcome to Open-source! Simply add your details to contributors | Repo for Hacktoberfest 2020 ✅
Stars: ✭ 621 (+288.13%)
ProgrammingCode a program in a language of your choice.
Stars: ✭ 269 (+68.13%)
Leetcode SolutionsThis repository consists of solutions to the problem from LeetCode platform. Subscribe to our Channel for more updates
Stars: ✭ 128 (-20%)
Hacktoberfest2k19Hacktoberfest is here! Raise the PR and earn goodies.
Stars: ✭ 34 (-78.75%)
Hello WorldHello World in all possible programmnig languages
Stars: ✭ 558 (+248.75%)
Plots2a collaborative knowledge-exchange platform in Rails; we welcome first-time contributors! 🎈
Stars: ✭ 666 (+316.25%)
HacktoberfestOpportunity to start open source and PR experience
Stars: ✭ 171 (+6.88%)
HacktoberfestMake your first PR! ~ A beginner-friendly repository made specifically for open source beginners. Add your profile, a blog or any program under any language (it can be anything from a hello-world program to a complex data structure algorithm) or update the existing one. Just make sure to add the file under the correct directory. Happy hacking!
Stars: ✭ 191 (+19.38%)
hacktoberfest2019A repository for hacktoberfest 2019 [ Not counting towards hacktoberfest contribution ]
Stars: ✭ 12 (-92.5%)
Rel💎 Modern Database Access Layer for Golang - Testable, Extendable and Crafted Into a Clean and Elegant API
Stars: ✭ 317 (+98.13%)
Letra ExtensionPassively learn a new language every time you open a new tab
Stars: ✭ 323 (+101.88%)⚙️ NGINX config generator on steroids 💉
Stars: ✭ 14,983 (+9264.38%)
AlgorithmsA repository of different Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in many programming languages.
Stars: ✭ 578 (+261.25%)
Devjoke#DevJoke. Submit a PR if you know a good dev joke.
Stars: ✭ 516 (+222.5%)
Nsfw Filter🚀 A Google Chrome / Firefox extension that blocks NSFW images from the web pages that you load using TensorFlow JS.
Stars: ✭ 984 (+515%)
Droplet kitDropletKit is the official DigitalOcean API client for Ruby.
Stars: ✭ 482 (+201.25%)
Programming NotesSemua catatan tentang teknologi dan development 😎
Stars: ✭ 41 (-74.37%)
ElixirschoolThe content behind Elixir School
Stars: ✭ 3,171 (+1881.88%)
Front EndOperation Code's website
Stars: ✭ 301 (+88.13%)
Women Teaching TechUma lista de canais ou cursos sobre tecnologia feitos por mulheres.
Stars: ✭ 256 (+60%)
rfordatasciencewikiResources for the R4DS Online Learning Community, including answer keys to the text
Stars: ✭ 40 (-75%)
GodoDigitalOcean Go API client
Stars: ✭ 1,097 (+585.63%)
Do AgentCollects system metrics from DigitalOcean Droplets
Stars: ✭ 552 (+245%)
One Line WondersOneLineWondersCode | 1000+ Commits | 278/300 One Liners | 200+ Forks | Actively maintained open-source collection of "one-line" programs performing various tasks in different languages
Stars: ✭ 65 (-59.37%)
HacktoberfestMake your first PR! ~ A beginner-friendly repository made specifically for open source beginners. Add your profile, a blog, or any program under any language or update the existing one. Just make sure to add the file under the correct directory. Happy hacking!
Stars: ✭ 78 (-51.25%)
Innovative HacktoberMake a pull request. Let's hack the ocktober in an innovative way.
Stars: ✭ 34 (-78.75%)
quiplashQuiplash replacement
Stars: ✭ 25 (-84.37%)
Awesome Courses😏 📄 An awesome list of educational websites, YouTube playlists, channels and books about programming
Stars: ✭ 99 (-38.12%)
Developer Community Stats🚀 A repository to encourage beginners to contribute to open source and for all contributors to view their Github stats
Stars: ✭ 116 (-27.5%)
Javascript NotesNotes taken during Wes Bos' BeginnerJavaScript course
Stars: ✭ 52 (-67.5%)
Hacktoberfest2020Make your first Pull Request and earn a free tee from GitHub!
Stars: ✭ 1,141 (+613.13%)
Dns ToolA set of browser-based DNS tools for DigitalOcean Community.
Stars: ✭ 50 (-68.75%)
Digitalocean JsJavaScript library for the DigitalOcean API
Stars: ✭ 90 (-43.75%)
HacktoberfestFind more projects at
Stars: ✭ 90 (-43.75%)
C AlgorithmsAll algorithms implemented in C
Stars: ✭ 51 (-68.12%)
Codezilla⚡️ codezilla ⚡️ One giant 🦖 collection of algorithms & design patterns.
Stars: ✭ 127 (-20.62%)
Dark Fantasy Hack ToolDDOS Tool: To take down small websites with HTTP FLOOD. Port scanner: To know the open ports of a site. FTP Password Cracker: To hack file system of websites.. Banner Grabber: To get the service or software running on a port. (After knowing the software running google for its vulnerabilities.) Web Spider: For gathering web application hacking information. Email scraper: To get all emails related to a webpage IMDB Rating: Easy way to access the movie database. Both .exe(compressed as zip) and .py versions are available in files.
Stars: ✭ 131 (-18.12%)
RawcmsRawCMS is the headless CMS written in core build for developers that embraces API first technology. Please give us a feedback!
Stars: ✭ 132 (-17.5%)
Awesome TravelDo you want to build a travel app?
Stars: ✭ 133 (-16.87%)
BhimIntegersBhimIntegers🚀 is a C++ library that is useful when we are dealing with BigIntegers💥💥. We can handle big integers (integers having a size bigger than the long long int data type) and we can perform arithmetic operations📘 like addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, equality check, etc📐📐. Also, there are several functions like factorial, …
Stars: ✭ 43 (-73.12%)
Simpletones.jsThe goal of simpleTones.js is to provide every JavaScript developer with a lightweight solution for creating custom sounds in their web applications. This documentation has been written in hopes that the least experienced developer can read, understand and go on to do great things. You can check out several examples at this link:
Stars: ✭ 45 (-71.87%)