All Projects → mvp-android-template → Similar Projects or Alternatives

1078 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to mvp-android-template

Android Mvvm Coroutine
Kotlin android application example with MVVM pattern, android architecture, kotlin coroutine, unit test, and UI test
Stars: ✭ 111 (+455%)
Mutual labels:  room, repository-pattern
Android Firebase Kotlin Java Mvp Mvc Mvvm Chat
Simple chat Application with one to one connectivity using Firebase Real time Database written in MVC,MVP and MVVM architecture to better understand the android coding patterns. Purpose of writing same application functionality with 3 different pattern is to show how single application can be developed using 3 different patterns(Mvc, Mvp, Mvvm).
Stars: ✭ 180 (+800%)
Mutual labels:  mvp, mvp-architecture
It's an iOS simple project that how I implement MVP (Model-View-Presenter) and Clean Architecture in Swift.
Stars: ✭ 27 (+35%)
Mutual labels:  mvp, repository-pattern
"Android Geek(Android极客)"一个专门为Android程序猿打造的极客应用。主要包括: 干货笔记、GitHub Trending、密码管理 .......
Stars: ✭ 187 (+835%)
Mutual labels:  mvp, retrofit2
Jd Mall Master
Stars: ✭ 151 (+655%)
Mutual labels:  mvp, rxjava2
漫画软件——使用MVP + Retrofit + RxJava开发
Stars: ✭ 186 (+830%)
Mutual labels:  mvp, retrofit2
Android Mvp Dagger2 Flytranslate
MVP+RxJava+Retrofit+Dagger2, FlyTranslate是基于MVP开发的Android应用程序的通用架构集成了许多开源项目如Dagger2,RxJava,Retrofit ,使您的开发更快捷,更轻松。
Stars: ✭ 188 (+840%)
Mutual labels:  mvp, mvp-android
Ticket Analysis
Stars: ✭ 61 (+205%)
Mutual labels:  mvp, retrofit2
Clean Architecture Android
Sample to practice Clean Architecture in android applications.
Stars: ✭ 207 (+935%)
Mutual labels:  mvp, repository-pattern
A Simple Android Project demonstrating Clean Arch + MVI with as use-case example
Stars: ✭ 20 (+0%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, rxjava2
Android MVP Architecture
Stars: ✭ 2,354 (+11670%)
Mutual labels:  mvp, dagger2
Small tutorial to get started with RxAndroid 2 and Retrofit 2
Stars: ✭ 55 (+175%)
Mutual labels:  rxjava2, retrofit2
ReadHub Client 非官方客户端
Stars: ✭ 179 (+795%)
Mutual labels:  mvp, dagger2-android
Marvel Characters Android Application Assigned by smava GmbH
Stars: ✭ 227 (+1035%)
Mutual labels:  mvp, retrofit2
根据 提供api ,编写 包含 Material Design + MVP + Rxjava2 + Retrofit + Glide项目
Stars: ✭ 74 (+270%)
Mutual labels:  mvp, rxjava2
Movie discovery app showcasing MVP, RxJava, Dagger 2 and Clean Architecture
Stars: ✭ 2,573 (+12765%)
Mutual labels:  mvp, dagger2
Stars: ✭ 27 (+35%)
Mutual labels:  mvp-architecture, retrofit2
Step by step guide for various components in android
Stars: ✭ 32 (+60%)
Mutual labels:  rxjava2, retrofit2
💡💡 An Android boilerplate project with: Kotlin, MVVM, Room, Dagger2, RxJava, Retrofit and more.
Stars: ✭ 32 (+60%)
Mutual labels:  room, dagger2
This is a sample project that uses Graphql API's with Rx implementation.
Stars: ✭ 40 (+100%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, repository-pattern
GitHubApplication 📱 is an Android application built to demonstrate the use of modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Hilt, LiveData, View binding, Data Store, Architecture components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Navigation).
Stars: ✭ 11 (-45%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2
🍱 An anime app, based on single activity and MVVM architecture.
Stars: ✭ 24 (+20%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2, repository-pattern
📱My android playground app - Simple and Fastest todo app - developing to cover most android concepts, simple logic can make me focus more on framework
Stars: ✭ 28 (+40%)
Mutual labels:  room, repository-pattern
Customizable and Open Source Launcher for Android
Stars: ✭ 73 (+265%)
Mutual labels:  room, dagger2
Demonstrates using Dagger 2.10+ in MVP app that follows Clean Architecture, RxJava 2, RxRelay
Stars: ✭ 43 (+115%)
Mutual labels:  mvp, dagger2
Hardening Retrofit RxJaxa API Layer against random errors
Stars: ✭ 15 (-25%)
Mutual labels:  rxjava2, retrofit2
Example of Clean Architecture of Android app using MVVM, Koin, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Solid Principle, DRY, KISS, OOP
Stars: ✭ 60 (+200%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2
An offline-first application in Jetpack Compose with MVVM architecture, representing a minimalistic implementation of Top Stories API.
Stars: ✭ 98 (+390%)
Mutual labels:  room, room-database
Modern Android Project Skeleton
Stars: ✭ 17 (-15%)
Mutual labels:  room, repository-pattern
Jetpack github
基于Kotlin + Jetpack全家桶 + Coroutines(协程) + Flutter等架构实现的一款精简版Github客户端项目,望与广大小伙伴一起成长,欢迎start or fork!
Stars: ✭ 314 (+1470%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2
🔥🔥🔥 Kotlin + MVVM + LCE版玩安卓,暗黑模式、横竖屏、无网、弱网、无数据、加载失败等等各种情况,协程、Room、Hilt、DataStore、LiveData、Retrofit、屏幕适配、本地缓存、多语言切换、多 lib,你想要的我都有!!!
Stars: ✭ 414 (+1970%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2
5 Day Forecast app that works on Android and uses latest tools (Kotlin, Navigation, Room, LiveData, Databinding, Dagger 2)
Stars: ✭ 426 (+2030%)
Mutual labels:  room, dagger2
📦 내가 시킨 택배가 어디까지 왔는지 확인해보세요
Stars: ✭ 26 (+30%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2
Viabus Architecture
让 Android 开发可以像流水线一样高效的,职责分离架构 ⚡ 不同于 MVP 的配置解耦,也不能和 似是而非 的 MVVM - Clean 同日而语。VIABUS 是世界范围内首个明确提出,通过职责分离,来真正实现 UI 和 业务并行开发的 Android 项目级开发架构和设计模式理念。
Stars: ✭ 485 (+2325%)
Mutual labels:  room, mvp
Automatically track websites changes on Android in background.
Stars: ✭ 563 (+2715%)
Mutual labels:  room, dagger2
Weather App that uses Android best practices. Android Jetpack, clean architecture. Written in Kotlin
Stars: ✭ 154 (+670%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2
神奇宝贝 (PokemonGo) 基于 Jetpack + MVVM + Repository 设计模式 + Data Mapper + Kotlin Flow 的实战项目,如果这个仓库对你有帮助,请仓库右上角帮我 star 一下,非常感谢。
Stars: ✭ 848 (+4140%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2
Stars: ✭ 107 (+435%)
Mutual labels:  mvp, rxjava2
Android app that shows weather at your current location or any custom location you specify. Uses Kotlin Flow for data streaming and coroutines for asynchronous work. Also leverages Room, navigation component, Viewmodel and Livedata Jetpack components with MVVM presentation layer architecture. Dagger 2 with Dagger android for dependency injection
Stars: ✭ 23 (+15%)
Mutual labels:  room, rxjava2
一个完整基于kotlin的安卓开发框架,采用了mvvm设计模式。涵盖了: 1、基于retrofit2封装的通过kotlin协程实现的网络框架 2、基于阿里开源router修改的api-router实现项目模块化 3、基于glide的图片加载缓存框架 4、基于room实现的往来数据缓存加载 5、基于step实现的数据异步提交 6、基于PreferenceHolder实现的本地数据快速存储 7、基于mlist实现的简单复杂列表的快速开发扩展 8、定制的toolbar可以自适应异形屏,挖孔屏,水滴屏等等。。 本框架几乎涵盖了开发所需的所有模块组件。简单fork之后就可以基于框架快速开发。
Stars: ✭ 33 (+65%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2
Android Clean Architecture Example
Yet another Android clean architecture example using RxJava and Room.
Stars: ✭ 37 (+85%)
Mutual labels:  room, rxjava2
Social Note
Social Note - Note-taking, sharing, time & location reminder
Stars: ✭ 38 (+90%)
Mutual labels:  room, rxjava2
Posts Mvvm Daggerhilt Dynamic Feature Rxjava3 Flow Sample
Posts Api sample with Kotlin RxJava3/Coroutines Flow, Clean Architecture, Offline first/last with Room + Retrofit2, Dagger Hilt, Dynamic Feature Modules, Static Code Analysis, Gradle DSL, MockK+ MockWebServer with Test Driven Development including Api and Database tests
Stars: ✭ 41 (+105%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2
Stars: ✭ 60 (+200%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2
Sample app which access the TDC (The Developer's Conference) REST API.
Stars: ✭ 55 (+175%)
Mutual labels:  room, rxjava2
Pinboard Kotlin
Unofficial Pinboard android app, developed as a playground to study many topics related to Android. Kotlin + Coroutines + MVVM
Stars: ✭ 60 (+200%)
Mutual labels:  room, dagger2
Sample application with MVVM pattern using RxJava and Architecture Components
Stars: ✭ 46 (+130%)
Mutual labels:  room, rxjava2
Android library makes using Shared Preference easier.
Stars: ✭ 16 (-20%)
Mutual labels:  rxjava2, repository-pattern
Monitor and modify network requests
Stars: ✭ 78 (+290%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2
❤️ A sample Marvel heroes application based on MVVM (ViewModel, Coroutines, LiveData, Room, Repository, Koin) architecture.
Stars: ✭ 826 (+4030%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2
Android Debug Database
A library for debugging android databases and shared preferences - Make Debugging Great Again
Stars: ✭ 7,946 (+39630%)
Mutual labels:  room, room-database
Its a playground application focusing on Paging3, MVVM architecture, Kotlin Extension functions, Retrofit, DSL, Navigation component, MotionLayout, SharedElementTransition, Single Activity Architecture, DataStore etc.
Stars: ✭ 78 (+290%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2
Demo / Sample Android Project created with Jetpack Compose and MVI Architecture Pattern
Stars: ✭ 114 (+470%)
Mutual labels:  room, retrofit2
Islamic app written with Kotlin, using KTOR + coroutines + flow + MVVM + Android Jetpack + Navigation component. Old version using RxJava + Retrofit + OKHttp
Stars: ✭ 26 (+30%)
Mutual labels:  rxjava2, retrofit2
A simple news reader app with elements of Material Design.
Stars: ✭ 17 (-15%)
Mutual labels:  mvp-architecture
This assignment gives you basically a post list and its detail with comments.🚀
Stars: ✭ 32 (+60%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
An example for booking movie seat, combined of Android Data Binding, State Design Pattern and Multibinding + Autofactory. iOS version is:
Stars: ✭ 80 (+300%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2
LetsChat is a Sample Messaging Android application built to demonstrate the use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Flow, Dagger-Hilt, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Testing, Coil, DataStore) and Firebase
Stars: ✭ 71 (+255%)
Mutual labels:  room
This is a Sample Single Activity App (Multi Fragments) that uses Dagger-Hilt, Coroutines Flows, Paging 3 & Mvvm Clean Architecture
Stars: ✭ 28 (+40%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Multi-feature app using dagger for learning purposes
Stars: ✭ 69 (+245%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2
361-420 of 1078 similar projects