All Projects → Raincat → Similar Projects or Alternatives

1324 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Raincat

HIS英文全称 hospital information system(医院信息系统http:// ),医疗信息就诊系统,系统主要功能按照数据流量、流向及处理过程分为临床诊疗、药品管理、财务管理、患者管理。诊疗活动由各工作站配合完成,并将临床信息进行整理、处理、汇总、统计、分析等。本系统包括以下工作站:门诊医生工作站、药房医生工作站、医技医生工作站、收费员工作站、对帐员工作站、管理员工作站。需求为东软提供的云医院。
Stars: ✭ 359 (-79.89%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Spring Summary
토비의 스프링 3.1 서적과 백기선님의 강좌를 토대로 스프링의 핵심 기술을 정리했습니다.
Stars: ✭ 106 (-94.06%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Jwt Angular Spring
JSON Web Token example that integrates both a Spring backend with an AngularJS frontend.
Stars: ✭ 358 (-79.94%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Spring Boot Tutorial
💯 🍃 通过丰富实例来展现 Spring Boot 特性的教程
Stars: ✭ 60 (-96.64%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Redis Based API Access Rate Limiter
Stars: ✭ 80 (-95.52%)
Mutual labels:  spring
A networking framework that evolves with your application
Stars: ✭ 656 (-63.25%)
Mutual labels:  netty
Spring Javafx Examples
Example apps for springboot-javafx-support. See
Stars: ✭ 124 (-93.05%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Nativescript Purchase
💰 A NativeScript plugin for making in-app purchases!
Stars: ✭ 80 (-95.52%)
Mutual labels:  transaction
Spring Cloud Config Admin
Spring Cloud Config的综合管理后台(简称:SCCA)
Stars: ✭ 645 (-63.87%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Ssm booksystem
ssm demo,ssm详细教程,SSM简明教程:简单的十步教你搭建人生第一个SSM框架[ SSM框架整合教程(spring+spring mvc+mybatis+redis+maven+idea+bootstrap) ]
Stars: ✭ 355 (-80.11%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Sse Eventbus
EventBus library for sending events from a Spring appliction to the web browser with SSE
Stars: ✭ 59 (-96.69%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Java / SpringBoot / Angular examples for the Romanian Coder YouTube channel
Stars: ✭ 353 (-80.22%)
Mutual labels:  spring
onePlatform定位是企业级应用网关,提供提供服务路由、SSO、统一认证授权、统一日志、全局事件以及模块化管理等基础能力。基于Spring cloud、开箱即用、无额外学习成本、无缝对接老系统。→提供配套视频教程(Q群: 61859839)
Stars: ✭ 105 (-94.12%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Netty Study
Netty 4 的一些技术栈示例代码并辅以博文讲解。主要包括入门的demo,粘包和拆包解决办法,心跳测试,http服务的实现,client重连机制,TCP滑动窗口、protobuf协议传输等相关技术。
Stars: ✭ 353 (-80.22%)
Mutual labels:  netty
Spring Cloud Docker Microservice Book Code
《Spring Cloud与Docker微服务架构实战》配套代码。讨论QQ群:731548893
Stars: ✭ 1,100 (-38.38%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Almost Famous
🌟 Almost-Famous(成名之路) ——卡牌游戏开源项目,架构使用SpringBoot+Netty+Maven+SpringCloud来搭建多进程分布式框架,包括Cloud、Unique、Login、Game、Match、Battle 等服务。
Stars: ✭ 131 (-92.66%)
Mutual labels:  netty
Spring Cloud Docker Microservice Book Code Docker
《Spring Cloud与Docker微服务架构实战》Docker章节配套源码。讨论QQ群:731548893
Stars: ✭ 352 (-80.28%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
销售系统项目,spring+spring mvc+mybatis+dubbo+kafka+redis+maven
Stars: ✭ 55 (-96.92%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
User Guide Springcloud
[Cloudframeworks]Microservices Architecture with Spring Cloud - user guide / [云框架]基于Spring Cloud的微服务架构-用户指南
Stars: ✭ 1,403 (-21.4%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Spring Learning
Spring 学习笔记,通过例子展示和剖析实现机制
Stars: ✭ 346 (-80.62%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Microservices Springboot
Example of microservices application with Spring Boot, Zuul, Eureka, MongoDB and RabbitMQ.
Stars: ✭ 53 (-97.03%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Spring Boot Mybatis Rw
Stars: ✭ 347 (-80.56%)
Mutual labels:  transaction
Best microservices framework in Go, like alibaba Dubbo, but with more features, Scale easily. Try it. Test it. If you feel it's better, use it! 𝐉𝐚𝐯𝐚有𝐝𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨, 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠有𝐫𝐩𝐜𝐱!
Stars: ✭ 6,516 (+265.04%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
React Soft Slider
Simple, fast and impartial slider
Stars: ✭ 54 (-96.97%)
Mutual labels:  spring
RestSpringMVCDemo项目是一个基于Spring的符合REST风格的项目,具有MVC分层结构并实现前后端分离。该项目体现了一个具有REST风格项目的基本特征,即具有统一响应结构、 前后台数据流转机制(HTTP消息与Java对象的互相转化机制)、统一的异常处理机制、参数验证机制、Cors跨域请求机制以及鉴权机制。
Stars: ✭ 342 (-80.84%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Stars: ✭ 104 (-94.17%)
Mutual labels:  netty
Student Homework Management System
使用SSM+Shiro开发的学生作业管理系统。支持批量打包下载,QQ登陆等功能 生产版:
Stars: ✭ 79 (-95.57%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Problem Spring Web
A library for handling Problems in Spring Web MVC
Stars: ✭ 636 (-64.37%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Lecture scripts and slides I use during the Software Engineering course at TU Dresden
Stars: ✭ 52 (-97.09%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Stars: ✭ 336 (-81.18%)
Mutual labels:  netty
Autofac extras library for component registration via attributes 用注解来load autofac 摆脱代码或者xml配置和java的spring的注解注入一样的体验
Stars: ✭ 140 (-92.16%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Youlai Mall
youlai-mall 是基于Spring Boot 2.4、Spring Cloud 2020 & Alibaba、Vue、element-ui、uni-app快速构建的一套全栈开源商城平台,包括系统权限管理、微服务应用、微信小程序及APP应用
Stars: ✭ 331 (-81.46%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
极客商城 ~ 一个面向开发者的、基于Spring+GraphQL+Angular的、无前端(headless)电商框架
Stars: ✭ 52 (-97.09%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Jt808 Netty
Netty入门教学项目,解析JT808协议,整合Spring boot,并提供了一些Netty中的最佳实践
Stars: ✭ 104 (-94.17%)
Mutual labels:  netty
Spring Best Practices
spring 最佳实践 Demo案例
Stars: ✭ 333 (-81.34%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Spi Fpga
SPI master and slave for FPGA written in VHDL
Stars: ✭ 50 (-97.2%)
Mutual labels:  spi
Jstarcraft Example
基于JStarCraft RNS引擎,Spring Boot框架和公共数据集搭建的千人千面演示项目. 系统会根据用户的行为记录,自动调整用户的推荐内容和搜索内容.使用者可以通过该项目了解*推荐系统*与*搜索系统*的运作流程. 涵盖了个性化推荐与个性化搜索2个部分.
Stars: ✭ 119 (-93.33%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Febs Shiro
Spring Boot 2.4.2,Shiro1.6.0 & Layui 2.5.6 权限管理系统。预览地址:
Stars: ✭ 5,655 (+216.81%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Novel Cloud
小说精品屋-微服务版是基于小说精品屋-plus构建的Spring Cloud 微服务技术栈学习型小说项目,致力于原创文学阅读与写作,提供了爬虫工具用于开发过程中测试数据的采集。采用了时下流行的Spring Boot 2 、Spring Cloud Hoxton、 MyBatis3DynamicSql、Sharding-Jdbc、Redis、RabbitMq、Elasticsearch、Docker等流行技术,集成了Nacos注册中心/配置中心、Spring Cloud Gateway网关、Spring Boot Admin监控中心、ELK分布式日志分析等基础服务。前端计划使用Vue开发。
Stars: ✭ 329 (-81.57%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Spring Boot Angular5
This repository has a sample code base for spring boot and angular 5 integration.
Stars: ✭ 49 (-97.25%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Recaptcha Spring Boot Starter
Spring Boot starter for Google's reCAPTCHA
Stars: ✭ 103 (-94.23%)
Mutual labels:  spring
PHP开发面向C10K+的高并发SOA服务 和RPC服务首选框架
Stars: ✭ 1,451 (-18.71%)
Mutual labels:  soa
Micropython Max7219
MicroPython driver for MAX7219 8x8 LED matrix modules, cascadable and with framebuf
Stars: ✭ 78 (-95.63%)
Mutual labels:  spi
Stepper Touch
Stepper Touch for Android based on MaterialUp submission
Stars: ✭ 621 (-65.21%)
Mutual labels:  spring
WK系列开发框架-V1至V5 Java开源企业级开发框架(单应用/微服务/分布式)
Stars: ✭ 1,629 (-8.74%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
Auth Service
spring security + oauth2.0 + jwt
Stars: ✭ 622 (-65.15%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Admin Spring Boot Locally
Stars: ✭ 325 (-81.79%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Stars: ✭ 80 (-95.52%)
Mutual labels:  transaction
A full stack, reactive architecture for general purpose programming. Algebraic and monadically composable primitives for concurrency, parallelism, event handling, transactions, multithreading, Web, and distributed computing with complete de-inversion of control (No callbacks, no blocking, pure state)
Stars: ✭ 617 (-65.43%)
Mutual labels:  transaction
☀️ Read and Write Excel file using Java and Apache POI
Stars: ✭ 321 (-82.02%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Using Axon + Spring Cloud + Spring Cloud Stream + JPA to implement event sourcing and CQRS
Stars: ✭ 101 (-94.34%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Java Kcp
Stars: ✭ 137 (-92.32%)
Mutual labels:  netty
Fast RPC for browser and Node.js based on TCP, WebSocket, and MDSF
Stars: ✭ 132 (-92.61%)
Mutual labels:  soa
Machine Learning and having it Deep and Structured (MLDS) in 2018 spring
Stars: ✭ 124 (-93.05%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Nacos Spring Project
Nacos ECO Project for Spring Framework
Stars: ✭ 614 (-65.6%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Linux Library for low speed IO Communication in C with bindings for C++, Python, Node.js & Java. Supports generic io platforms, as well as Intel Edison, Intel Joule, Raspberry Pi and many more.
Stars: ✭ 1,220 (-31.65%)
Mutual labels:  spi
手把手教你整合最优雅SSM框架:SpringMVC + Spring + MyBatis
Stars: ✭ 5,556 (+211.26%)
Mutual labels:  spring
🚀 PHP Microservice Full Coroutine Framework
Stars: ✭ 5,420 (+203.64%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Telegram Spring Boot Starter
Telegram Bot API Spring Boot Starter
Stars: ✭ 79 (-95.57%)
Mutual labels:  spring
Synopse mORMot ORM/SOA/MVC framework
Stars: ✭ 607 (-65.99%)
Mutual labels:  soa
601-660 of 1324 similar projects