All Projects → Spring Boot → Similar Projects or Alternatives

3702 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Spring Boot

FlyCms 是一个类似知乎以问答为基础的完全开源的JAVA语言开发的社交网络建站程序,基于 Spring Boot+Bootstrap3+MyBatis+MySql+Solr +Ehcache应用架构,专注于社区内容的整理、归类和检索,它集合了问答,digg,wiki 等多个程序的优点,帮助用户轻松搭建专业的知识库和在线问答社区。业务模块包括:权限管理,会员管理,角色管理,定时任务管理(调度管理),问答管理,文章管理,分享管理,短信接口管理和邮件系统发送(注册、找回密码、邮件订阅),跨域登录,消息推送,全文检索、前端国际化等等众多模块,等您自己来体验!
Stars: ✭ 472 (-52.28%)
Mutual labels:  mybatis, spring-boot
All Things Cqrs
Comprehensive guide to a couple of possible ways of synchronizing two states with Spring tools. Synchronization is shown by separating command and queries in a simple CQRS application.
Stars: ✭ 474 (-52.07%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
Spring Boot Demo
该项目已成功集成 actuator(监控)、admin(可视化监控)、logback(日志)、aopLog(通过AOP记录web请求日志)、统一异常处理(json级别和页面级别)、freemarker(模板引擎)、thymeleaf(模板引擎)、Beetl(模板引擎)、Enjoy(模板引擎)、JdbcTemplate(通用JDBC操作数据库)、JPA(强大的ORM框架)、mybatis(强大的ORM框架)、通用Mapper(快速操作Mybatis)、PageHelper(通用的Mybatis分页插件)、mybatis-plus(快速操作Mybatis)、BeetlSQL(强大的ORM框架)、upload(本地文件上传和七牛云文件上传)、redis(缓存)、ehcache(缓存)、ema…
Stars: ✭ 24,265 (+2353.49%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
Stars: ✭ 473 (-52.17%)
Mutual labels:  redis, spring-boot
Spring Cloud Zookeeper
Spring Cloud Zookeeper
Stars: ✭ 481 (-51.37%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
Devops Service
DevOps Service is the core service of Choerodon. It integrated several open source tools to automate the DevOps process of planning, coding, building, testing, and deployment, operation, monitoring.
Stars: ✭ 36 (-96.36%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
The next generation of tooling for Spring Boot, including support for Cloud Foundry manifest files, Concourse CI pipeline definitions, BOSH deployment manifests, and more... - Available for Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, and Theia
Stars: ✭ 490 (-50.46%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
IM server based on netty. Provides a client jar. Integrate with your own login system.基于netty实现的IM服务端,提供客户端jar包,可集成自己的登录系统
Stars: ✭ 490 (-50.46%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
Localstack Spring Boot
Spring Boot AutoConfiguration for LocalStack
Stars: ✭ 22 (-97.78%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
SSM 框架搭建的网上游戏商城(仿Steam)
Stars: ✭ 238 (-75.94%)
Mutual labels:  mybatis, spring
Stars: ✭ 914 (-7.58%)
Mutual labels:  redis, spring
Spring Cloud Commons
Common classes used in different Spring Cloud implementations
Stars: ✭ 493 (-50.15%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
Simple job queues for Python
Stars: ✭ 8,065 (+715.47%)
Mutual labels:  async, redis
A better in-memory cache for Node and the browser
Stars: ✭ 75 (-92.42%)
Mutual labels:  async, cache
Spring Dubbo Service
微服务 spring dubbo项目:dubbo rpc;druid数据源连接池;mybatis配置集成,多数据源;jmx监控MBean;定时任务;aop;ftp;测试;Metrics监控;参数验证;跨域处理;shiro权限控制;consul服务注册,发现;redis分布式锁;SPI服务机制;cat监控;netty服务代理;websocket;disconf;mongodb集成;rest;docker;fescar
Stars: ✭ 224 (-77.35%)
Mutual labels:  mybatis, redis
Pyproxy Async
基于 Python Asyncio + Redis 实现的代理池
Stars: ✭ 123 (-87.56%)
Mutual labels:  async, redis
redis client with typescript and esnext for nodejs
Stars: ✭ 109 (-88.98%)
Mutual labels:  async, redis
Stars: ✭ 131 (-86.75%)
Mutual labels:  async, redis
Spring Cloud Security
Security concerns for distributed applications implemented in Spring
Stars: ✭ 488 (-50.66%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
开源电子商务项目,SpringBoot+Dubbo技术栈实现微服务,实现一款分布式集群的电商系统. 项目releases链接: (开发中...)
Stars: ✭ 491 (-50.35%)
Mutual labels:  mybatis, redis
FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
Stars: ✭ 39,588 (+3902.83%)
Mutual labels:  swagger, async
Dao7 - Web framework for PHP7.x,项目接洽 QQ 176013762
Stars: ✭ 237 (-76.04%)
Mutual labels:  async, cache
Client-side response routing for Spring
Stars: ✭ 169 (-82.91%)
Mutual labels:  async, spring
SpringBoot 整合各类框架和应用
Stars: ✭ 54 (-94.54%)
Mutual labels:  swagger, redis
📖 基于 SSM 框架的二手书交易系统
Stars: ✭ 223 (-77.45%)
Mutual labels:  mybatis, spring
Springdoc Openapi
Library for OpenAPI 3 with spring-boot
Stars: ✭ 1,113 (+12.54%)
Mutual labels:  swagger, spring-boot
Spring Mvc Thymeleaf Crud
Spring MVC CRUD Application with Thymeleaf, HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap
Stars: ✭ 14 (-98.58%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
Spring Boot Webflux Swagger Starter
An example project to illustrate how to document Spring Boot Webflux with Swagger2
Stars: ✭ 62 (-93.73%)
Mutual labels:  swagger, spring-boot
API SpringBoot + Shiro + Java-Jwt + Redis(Jedis)
Stars: ✭ 503 (-49.14%)
Mutual labels:  redis, spring-boot
A minimalistic, simple-to-use API linter
Stars: ✭ 499 (-49.54%)
Mutual labels:  swagger, spring-boot
Light Reading Cloud
📚 轻松阅读,基于SpringCloud生态开发的阅读类APP微服务实战项目,涉及 SpringCloud-Gateway、Nacos、OpenFeign、Hystrix、Jwt、ElasticSearch 等技术的应用
Stars: ✭ 506 (-48.84%)
Mutual labels:  mybatis, spring
Mi S
Stars: ✭ 140 (-85.84%)
Mutual labels:  swagger, spring-boot
Shopping Management System
Stars: ✭ 4,130 (+317.59%)
Mutual labels:  mybatis, spring
Laravel Eloquent Query Cache
Adding cache on your Laravel Eloquent queries' results is now a breeze.
Stars: ✭ 529 (-46.51%)
Mutual labels:  redis, cache
A demonstration of a completely stateless and RESTful token-based authorization system using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and Spring Security.
Stars: ✭ 482 (-51.26%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
Asyncio cache manager for redis, memcached and memory
Stars: ✭ 496 (-49.85%)
Mutual labels:  redis, cache
Java Interview Question
Stars: ✭ 531 (-46.31%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
Springboot Jwt Starter
A Spring Boot JWT starter kit for stateless and token-based authentication apps.
Stars: ✭ 538 (-45.6%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
Books Recommendation
程序员进阶书籍(视频),持续更新(Programmer Books)
Stars: ✭ 558 (-43.58%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
Stars: ✭ 89 (-91%)
Mutual labels:  jpa, mybatis
Stars: ✭ 17 (-98.28%)
Mutual labels:  jpa, mybatis
Stars: ✭ 53 (-94.64%)
Mutual labels:  aop, mybatis
🌸 HTTP REST API caching middleware, to be used between load balancers and REST API workers.
Stars: ✭ 553 (-44.08%)
Mutual labels:  redis, cache
Heart First Javaweb
一个走心的 Java Web 入门开发教程
Stars: ✭ 561 (-43.28%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
AOP, Ioc container, Boot framework, unit testing framework , activities workflow framework.
Stars: ✭ 15 (-98.48%)
Mutual labels:  boot, aop
2个类,实现类ActiveRecord,无需写Mapper, mybatis增强
Stars: ✭ 14 (-98.58%)
Mutual labels:  jpa, mybatis
Stars: ✭ 34 (-96.56%)
Mutual labels:  swagger, mybatis
An powerful enhanced toolkit of SpringJdbc for simplify development
Stars: ✭ 200 (-79.78%)
Mutual labels:  jpa, mybatis
Spring Petclinic Rest
REST version of the Spring Petclinic sample application
Stars: ✭ 257 (-74.01%)
Mutual labels:  swagger, spring
Spring Cloud Contract
Support for Consumer Driven Contracts in Spring
Stars: ✭ 569 (-42.47%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
Mogu blog v2
蘑菇博客(MoguBlog),一个基于微服务架构的前后端分离博客系统。Web端使用Vue + Element , 移动端使用uniapp和ColorUI。后端使用Spring cloud + Spring boot + mybatis-plus进行开发,使用 Jwt + Spring Security做登录验证和权限校验,使用ElasticSearch和Solr作为全文检索服务,使用Github Actions完成博客的持续集成,使用ELK收集博客日志,文件支持上传七牛云和Minio,支持Docker Compose脚本一键部署。
Stars: ✭ 561 (-43.28%)
Mutual labels:  mybatis, spring-boot
Springmvc Project
Stars: ✭ 33 (-96.66%)
Mutual labels:  mybatis, redis
Jeesuite Libs
分布式架构开发套件。包括缓存(一二级缓存、自动缓存管理)、队列、分布式定时任务、文件服务(七牛、阿里云OSS、fastDFS)、日志、搜索、分布式锁、分布式事务、集成dubbo、spring boot支持以及常用的工具包等。
Stars: ✭ 584 (-40.95%)
Mutual labels:  mybatis, redis
Hibernate Springboot
Collection of best practices for Java persistence performance in Spring Boot applications
Stars: ✭ 589 (-40.44%)
Mutual labels:  jpa, spring-boot
Springboot Starterkit
Starter Kit for Spring Boot based (REST APIs and WebMVC) micro services.
Stars: ✭ 596 (-39.74%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
整合Nacos、Spring Cloud Alibaba,提供了一系列starter组件, 同时提供服务治理、服务监控、OAuth2权限认证,支持服务降级/熔断、服务权重,前端采用vue+elementUI+webpack,可以很好的解决转向Spring Cloud的一系列问题。
Stars: ✭ 545 (-44.89%)
Mutual labels:  redis, spring-boot
Spring Testing
A Spring Boot application with lots of sample tests
Stars: ✭ 569 (-42.47%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
Ruoyi Vue
(RuoYi)官方仓库 基于SpringBoot,Spring Security,JWT,Vue & Element 的前后端分离权限管理系统
Stars: ✭ 596 (-39.74%)
Mutual labels:  mybatis, spring
Micro Server
Microserver is a Java 8 native, zero configuration, standards based, battle hardened library to run Java Rest Microservices via a standard Java main class. Supporting pure Microservice or Micro-monolith styles.
Stars: ✭ 929 (-6.07%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
手把手教你整合最优雅SSM框架:SpringMVC + Spring + MyBatis
Stars: ✭ 5,556 (+461.78%)
Mutual labels:  mybatis, spring
241-300 of 3702 similar projects