All Projects → Sso → Similar Projects or Alternatives

2882 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Sso

Apereo CAS - Enterprise Single Sign On for all earthlings and beyond.
Stars: ✭ 9,154 (+1048.56%)
jbone基于Spring Cloud框架开发,旨在为中小企业提供稳定的微服务解决方案,为开发人员提供基础开发骨架,jbone包含微服务中所有常用组件,例如注册中心、服务管理、服务监控、JVM监控、内存分析、调用链跟踪、API网关等等。业务功能包括系统权限的统一管理、单点登录、CMS、电商平台、工作流平台、支付平台等等。
Stars: ✭ 961 (+20.58%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, sso, cas
Cas Configserver Overlay
Generic CAS Spring Cloud Configuration Server WAR overlay
Stars: ✭ 28 (-96.49%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, sso, cas
Sample Spring Oauth2 Microservices
some examples that show basic and more advanced implementations of oauth2 authorization mechanism in spring-cloud microservices environment
Stars: ✭ 109 (-86.32%)
Java Microservices Examples
Java Microservices: Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, JHipster, Spring Cloud Config, and Spring Cloud Gateway
Stars: ✭ 194 (-75.66%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, oauth2
Spring Boot Demo
spring boot demo 是一个Spring Boot、Spring Cloud的项目示例,根据市场主流的后端技术,共集成了30+个demo,未来将持续更新。该项目包含helloworld(快速入门)、web(ssh项目快速搭建)、aop(切面编程)、data-redis(redis缓存)、quartz(集群任务实现)、shiro(权限管理)、oauth2(四种认证模式)、shign(接口参数防篡改重放)、encoder(用户密码设计)、actuator(服务监控)、cloud-config(配置中心)、cloud-gateway(服务网关)等模块
Stars: ✭ 323 (-59.47%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, oauth2
Easy to use OAuth 2.0 javascript library for use in your javascript application.
Stars: ✭ 830 (+4.14%)
Mutual labels:  oauth2, authorization, sso
Product Is
Welcome to the WSO2 Identity Server source code! For info on working with the WSO2 Identity Server repository and contributing code, click the link below.
Stars: ✭ 435 (-45.42%)
Mutual labels:  oauth2, authorization, sso
Cloud Enabled Microservice
Tasks microservice (Spring Boot, MVC, Data, Lombok, Cloud, OAuth2, Config, Eureka, Zuul, Hystrix, Docker)
Stars: ✭ 14 (-98.24%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, oauth2
Spring Cloud Tutorial
Spring Cloud Tutorial.《Spring Cloud 教程》
Stars: ✭ 173 (-78.29%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, tutorial
Cas Sso Samples
CAS单点登录案例。整合了CAS OAuth2、Apache Shiro、Spring Security等
Stars: ✭ 60 (-92.47%)
Mutual labels:  oauth2, sso, cas
🚀 The best rbac web framework. base on Spring Boot 2.4、 Spring Cloud 2020、 OAuth2 . Thx Give a star
Stars: ✭ 958 (+20.2%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, oauth2
Febs Cloud
基于Spring Cloud Hoxton.RELEASE、Spring Cloud OAuth2 & Spring Cloud Alibaba & Element 微服务权限系统,开箱即用。预览地址:
Stars: ✭ 1,295 (+62.48%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, oauth2
基于Spring Cloud,实现微服务中常用的基础模块,包括 OAuth2 认证服务,统一注册中心,系统监控中心, 统一配置中心,API网关以及熔断器
Stars: ✭ 185 (-76.79%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, oauth2
Xxl Sso
A distributed single-sign-on framework.(分布式单点登录框架XXL-SSO)
Stars: ✭ 1,635 (+105.14%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, authorization, sso
Spring Cloud Security
Security concerns for distributed applications implemented in Spring
Stars: ✭ 488 (-38.77%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, oauth2
整合Nacos、Spring Cloud Alibaba,提供了一系列starter组件, 同时提供服务治理、服务监控、OAuth2权限认证,支持服务降级/熔断、服务权重,前端采用vue+elementUI+webpack,可以很好的解决转向Spring Cloud的一系列问题。
Stars: ✭ 545 (-31.62%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, oauth2
全栈工程师学习笔记;Spring登录、shiro登录、CAS单点登录和Spring boot oauth2单点登录;Spring data cache 缓存,支持Redis和EHcahce; web安全,常见web安全漏洞以及解决思路;常规组件,比如redis、mq等;quartz定时任务,支持持久化数据库,动态维护启动暂停关闭;docker基本用法,常用image镜像使用,Docker-MySQL、docker-Postgres、Docker-nginx、Docker-nexus、Docker-Redis、Docker-RabbitMQ、Docker-zookeeper、Docker-es、Docker-zipkin、Docker-ELK等;mybatis实践、spring实践、spring boot实践等常用集成;基于redis的分布式锁;基于shared-jdbc的分库分表,支持原生jdbc和Spring Boot Mybatis
Stars: ✭ 159 (-80.05%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, sso, cas
Spring Security Pac4j
pac4j security library for Spring Security: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Stars: ✭ 231 (-71.02%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, authorization, cas
Okta Blog Archive
Okta Developer Blog
Stars: ✭ 74 (-90.72%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, oauth2
Spring Boot Oauth2 Jwt Swagger Ui
Spring Boot , OAuth 2 , JWT (Json Web Token) and Swagger UI
Stars: ✭ 77 (-90.34%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, oauth2, authorization
Spring Webmvc Pac4j
Security library for Spring Web MVC: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Stars: ✭ 110 (-86.2%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, authorization, cas
onePlatform定位是企业级应用网关,提供提供服务路由、SSO、统一认证授权、统一日志、全局事件以及模块化管理等基础能力。基于Spring cloud、开箱即用、无额外学习成本、无缝对接老系统。→提供配套视频教程(Q群: 61859839)
Stars: ✭ 105 (-86.83%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, sso
Stormpath Sdk Java
Official Java SDK for the Stormpath User Management REST API
Stars: ✭ 221 (-72.27%)
Microservice Scaffold
基于Spring Cloud(Greenwich.SR2)搭建的微服务脚手架(适用于在线系统),已集成注册中心(Nacos Config)、配置中心(Nacos Discovery)、认证授权(Oauth 2 + JWT)、日志处理(ELK + Kafka)、限流熔断(AliBaba Sentinel)、应用指标监控(Prometheus + Grafana)、调用链监控(Pinpoint)、以及Spring Boot Admin。
Stars: ✭ 211 (-73.53%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, oauth2
Microservices Platform
Stars: ✭ 3,274 (+310.79%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, oauth2
Youlai Mall
youlai-mall 是基于Spring Boot 2.4、Spring Cloud 2020 & Alibaba、Vue、element-ui、uni-app快速构建的一套全栈开源商城平台,包括系统权限管理、微服务应用、微信小程序及APP应用
Stars: ✭ 331 (-58.47%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, oauth2
Cola Cloud
Cola Cloud 基于 Spring Boot, Spring Cloud 构建微服务架构企业级开发平台,集成OAuth2认证、集成短信验证码登录、微信小程序登录、FlyWay数据库版本管理、网关集成Swagger聚合所有服务API文档。基于SpringBootAdmin集成Hystrix、Turbine监控。开发用户中心、权限管理、组织架构、数据字典、消息中心、通知中心等模块。基于MyBatisPlus Generator 开发代码生成器
Stars: ✭ 285 (-64.24%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, oauth2
OpenID Certified™ OpenID Connect and OAuth Provider written in Go - cloud native, security-first, open source API security for your infrastructure. SDKs for any language. Compatible with MITREid.
Stars: ✭ 11,884 (+1391.09%)
Mutual labels:  oauth2, authorization, sso
Event Sourcing Microservices Example
Learn about building microservices with event sourcing using Spring Boot and how to deploy a social network to Kubernetes using Docker Compose or Helm.
Stars: ✭ 167 (-79.05%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, tutorial
OpenAM is an open access management solution that includes Authentication, SSO, Authorization, Federation, Entitlements and Web Services Security.
Stars: ✭ 476 (-40.28%)
Mutual labels:  oauth2, authorization, sso
OAuth 2.0 server and client; OpenID Connect Provider (OP) & UMA Authorization Server (AS)
Stars: ✭ 308 (-61.36%)
Mutual labels:  oauth2, authorization, sso
Spring Cloud Bus
Spring Cloud event bus
Stars: ✭ 342 (-57.09%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud
Springboot Mybatis
A REST back-end framework, integrated by Spring Boot, MyBatis and Spring Security OAuth
Stars: ✭ 359 (-54.96%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, oauth2
Novel Cloud
小说精品屋-微服务版是基于小说精品屋-plus构建的Spring Cloud 微服务技术栈学习型小说项目,致力于原创文学阅读与写作,提供了爬虫工具用于开发过程中测试数据的采集。采用了时下流行的Spring Boot 2 、Spring Cloud Hoxton、 MyBatis3DynamicSql、Sharding-Jdbc、Redis、RabbitMq、Elasticsearch、Docker等流行技术,集成了Nacos注册中心/配置中心、Spring Cloud Gateway网关、Spring Boot Admin监控中心、ELK分布式日志分析等基础服务。前端计划使用Vue开发。
Stars: ✭ 329 (-58.72%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud
Gin Oauth2
Middleware for Gin Framework users who also want to use OAuth2
Stars: ✭ 351 (-55.96%)
Mutual labels:  oauth2, authorization
HIS英文全称 hospital information system(医院信息系统http:// ),医疗信息就诊系统,系统主要功能按照数据流量、流向及处理过程分为临床诊疗、药品管理、财务管理、患者管理。诊疗活动由各工作站配合完成,并将临床信息进行整理、处理、汇总、统计、分析等。本系统包括以下工作站:门诊医生工作站、药房医生工作站、医技医生工作站、收费员工作站、对帐员工作站、管理员工作站。需求为东软提供的云医院。
Stars: ✭ 359 (-54.96%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud
循序渐进,学习Spring Boot、Spring Boot & Shiro、Spring Batch、Spring Cloud、Spring Cloud Alibaba、Spring Security & Spring Security OAuth2,博客Spring系列源码:
Stars: ✭ 22,375 (+2707.4%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud
Play Pac4j
Security library for Play framework 2 in Java and Scala: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Stars: ✭ 375 (-52.95%)
Mutual labels:  authorization, cas
基于spring cloud的分布式系统架构。提供整套的微服务组件,包括服务发现、服务治理、链路追踪、服务监控等
Stars: ✭ 389 (-51.19%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud
spring cloud最佳实践项目实例,使用了spring cloud全家桶,TCC事务管理,EDA事务最终一致性等技术的下单示例
Stars: ✭ 418 (-47.55%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud
Java Spring Cloud
Distributed tracing for Spring Boot, Cloud and other Spring projects
Stars: ✭ 326 (-59.1%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud
Sample Spring Microservices
Many samples in different branches that shows how to create microservices with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Zipkin, Zuul, Eureka, Hystrix, Kubernetes, Elastic Stack and many more tools
Stars: ✭ 368 (-53.83%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud
🔥MateCloud是一款基于Spring Cloud Alibaba的微服务架构。目前已经整合Spring Cloud Alibaba、Spring Security Oauth2、Feign、Dubbo、JetCache、RocketMQ等服务套件,为您的开发保驾护航
Stars: ✭ 412 (-48.31%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud
🎉🎉🎉JAVA高级架构师技术栈==任何技能通过 “刻意练习” 都可以达到融会贯通的境界,就像烹饪一样,这里有一份JAVA开发技术手册,只需要增加自己练习的次数。🏃🏃🏃
Stars: ✭ 428 (-46.3%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud
Apereo PHP CAS Client
Stars: ✭ 729 (-8.53%)
Mutual labels:  sso, cas
Spring Boot Study
SpringBoot框架源码实战(已更新到springboot2版本实现)~基本用法,Rest,Controller,事件监听,连接数据库MySQL,jpa,redis集成,mybatis集成(声明式与xml两种方式~对应的添删查改功能),日志处理,devtools配置,拦截器用法,资源配置读取,测试集成,Web层实现请求映射,security安全验证,rabbitMq集成,kafka集成,分布式id生成器等。项目实战: 已投入生产线上使用
Stars: ✭ 440 (-44.79%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, oauth2
Spring Boot Websocket Chat Demo
Spring Boot WebSocket Chat Demo with SockJS fallback and STOMP protocol
Stars: ✭ 726 (-8.91%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, tutorial
Jeecg Boot
「企业级低代码平台」前后端分离架构SpringBoot 2.x,SpringCloud,Ant Design&Vue,Mybatis-plus,Shiro,JWT。强大的代码生成器让前后端代码一键生成,无需写任何代码! 引领新的开发模式OnlineCoding->代码生成->手工MERGE,帮助Java项目解决70%重复工作,让开发更关注业务,既能快速提高效率,帮助公司节省成本,同时又不失灵活性。
Stars: ✭ 26,432 (+3216.44%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud
Buji Pac4j
pac4j security library for Shiro: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Stars: ✭ 444 (-44.29%)
Mutual labels:  authorization, cas
Auth0 headless browser sdk
Stars: ✭ 755 (-5.27%)
Mutual labels:  oauth2, authorization
Spring Boot Security Saml Sample
SBS3 — A sample SAML 2.0 Service Provider built on Spring Boot.
Stars: ✭ 469 (-41.15%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, sso
Spring Cloud Netflix
Integration with Netflix OSS components
Stars: ✭ 4,498 (+464.37%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud
Cloudfront Auth
An AWS CloudFront [email protected] function to authenticate requests using Google Apps, Microsoft, Auth0, OKTA, and GitHub login
Stars: ✭ 471 (-40.9%)
Mutual labels:  oauth2, authorization
Spring Boot Tutorial
100+ Spring Boot Articles, Tutorials, Video tutorials, Projects, Guides, Source code examples etc
Stars: ✭ 482 (-39.52%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, tutorial
Springy Store Microservices
Springy Store is a conceptual simple μServices-based project using the latest cutting-edge technologies, to demonstrate how the Store services are created to be a cloud-native and 12-factor app agnostic. Those μServices are developed based on Spring Boot & Cloud framework that implements cloud-native intuitive, design patterns, and best practices.
Stars: ✭ 318 (-60.1%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud
Awesome Tutorials
I am going to write a series of tutorials about web/android/ios development
Stars: ✭ 435 (-45.42%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, tutorial
Api Boot
“ ApiBoot”是为接口服务而生的,基于“ SpringBoot”完成扩展和自动配置,内部封装了一系列的开箱即用Starters。
Stars: ✭ 460 (-42.28%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud, oauth2
Spring Cloud Zookeeper
Spring Cloud Zookeeper
Stars: ✭ 481 (-39.65%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud
Weixin Shop Spring Cloud
微信商城SpringCloud版本 - 前端vue-shop
Stars: ✭ 717 (-10.04%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud
1-60 of 2882 similar projects