RbacHierarchical Role-Based Access Control for Node.js
SurenessA simple and efficient open-source security framework that focus on protection of restful api.
Yii2 UsuarioHighly customizable and extensible user management, authentication, and authorization Yii2 extension
BankenSimple and lightweight authorization library for Rails
Chi Authzchi-authz is an authorization middleware for Chi
BouncerEloquent roles and abilities.
Simonsays💂 Simple, declarative, role-based access control system for Rails and Ruby
Vue Router User RolesA Vue.js plugin that protects routes based on user roles. Add your own authentication.
Spring Security Pac4jpac4j security library for Spring Security: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
KanSimple, functional authorization library and role management for ruby
Appy🚀 A full stack boilerplate web app
Caddy AuthzCaddy-authz is a middleware for Caddy that blocks or allows requests based on access control policies.
Run Aspnetcore RealworldE-Commerce real world example of run-aspnetcore ASP.NET Core web application. Implemented e-commerce domain with clean architecture for ASP.NET Core reference application, demonstrating a layered application architecture with DDD best practices. Download 100+ page eBook PDF from here ->
Beego AuthzBeego's RBAC & ABAC Authorization middleware based on Casbin
SuperbPluggable HTTP authentication for Swift.
LimitrrLight NodeJS rate limiting and response delaying using Redis - including Express middleware.
Drf Access PolicyDeclarative access policies/permissions modeled after AWS' IAM policies.
Feathers VueA boiler plate template using Feathers with Email Verification, Vue 2 with Server Side Rendering, stylus, scss, jade, babel, webpack, ES 6-8, login form, user authorization, and SEO
Awesome Iam👤 Identity and Access Management Knowledge for Cloud Platforms
OauthlibA generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic
GroupifyAdd group and membership functionality to your Rails models
HugeSimple user-authentication solution, embedded into a small framework.
Pundit MatchersA set of RSpec matchers for testing Pundit authorisation policies.
Bottle CorkAuthentication module for the Bottle and Flask web frameworks
PatronPatron - Access Control as a Service for OpenStack
Pac4jSecurity engine for Java (authentication, authorization, multi frameworks): OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
Security.identity.NET DevPack Identity is a set of common implementations to help you implementing Identity, Jwt, claims validation and another facilities
Spotify Clone ClientA ReactJS clone application of the popular Spotify music streaming service. This application utilizes the Spotify API and the Spotify Web Playback SDK
Think AuthzAn authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in ThinkPHP 6.0 .
Spark Pac4jSecurity library for Sparkjava: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
SpeedleSpeedle is an open source project for access control.
Negroni Authznegroni-authz is an authorization middleware for Negroni
Fastapi Jwt AuthFastAPI extension that provides JWT Auth support (secure, easy to use, and lightweight)
Laravel AuthzAn authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Laravel.
LaratrustHandle roles and permissions in your Laravel application
Laravel GovernorManage authorization with granular role-based permissions in your Laravel Apps.
AuthorizationA toolset for authorizing access to graph types for GraphQL .NET.
Laravel AuthA powerful authentication, authorization and verification package built on top of Laravel. It provides developers with Role Based Access Control, Two-Factor Authentication, Social Authentication, and much more, compatible Laravel’s standard API and fully featured out of the box.
HydraOpenID Certified™ OpenID Connect and OAuth Provider written in Go - cloud native, security-first, open source API security for your infrastructure. SDKs for any language. Compatible with MITREid.