44 open source projects by Khan

1. Khan Mobile
You’re probably looking for www.github.com/khan/mobile
✭ 241
2. Prototope
Swift library of lightweight interfaces for prototyping, bridged to JS
✭ 233
3. Math Input
math-input = react + redux + mathquill
✭ 198
4. Structuredjs
Test JavaScript code, look for functionality.
✭ 197
5. Snippets
Code related to collecting and pushing weekly snippets
✭ 191
6. Style Guides
Docs for the Organization
✭ 2,105
7. React Multi Select
A multiple select component for React
✭ 167
8. Guacamole
General Use Machine Learning for Learning Library
✭ 141
9. React Render Server
A node.js server for server-side rendering anything!
10. Kotlin For Python Developers
A thorough introduction to Kotlin, aimed at developers with a background in Python or other dynamic languages.
✭ 132
11. Khan Exercises
A (deprecated) framework for building exercises to work with Khan Academy.
12. Slicker
a tool for moving things in python
✭ 122
13. Swifttweaks
Tweak your iOS app without recompiling!
15. Perseus
Perseus is Khan Academy's new exercise question editor and renderer.
✭ 1,161
17. Kmath
JavaScript Numeric Math Utilities
✭ 38
18. Computing Curriculum
Articles that teach computer programming and computer science on Khan Academy.
✭ 9
19. Frankenserver
A fork of the Google App Engine SDK with modifications required by Khan Academy
✭ 26
20. Gittip Gdoc
Extract records from a Google Doc spreadsheet and bulk set the results on Gittip.
✭ 23
21. Live Editor
A browser-based live coding environment.
✭ 726
22. Aphrodite
Framework-agnostic CSS-in-JS with support for server-side rendering, browser prefixing, and minimum CSS generation
23. Tota11y
an accessibility (a11y) visualization toolkit
24. Simple Markdown
JavaScript markdown parsing, made simple
✭ 416
25. Khan Api
Documentation for (and examples of) using the Khan Academy API
✭ 371
26. Gae mini profiler
A ubiquitous mini-profiler for Google App Engine, inspired by mvc-mini-profiler
✭ 276
27. Flow To Ts
Convert flow code to typescript
✭ 264
28. KAS
A lightweight JavaScript CAS for comparing expressions and equations.
29. webapp-i18n-bigfile
The next generation of webapp-i18n, starting in April 2015, that uses git-bigfile to avoid storing large resources.
✭ 15
30. engblog
KA Engineering blog.
31. genqlient
a truly type-safe Go GraphQL client
32. alertlib
A small library to make it easy to send alerts to various platforms
33. wonder-blocks
React components for Wonder Blocks design system.
34. KhanQuest
Khan Academy the game
35. graphie-to-png
A tool for converting graphie JS code to an image
36. tinyquery
A Python in-memory test stub for BigQuery
37. khan-dotfiles
Dotfiles for Khan Academy website developers.
✭ 49
38. pull-request-comment-trigger
A github action for detecting a "trigger" in a pull request description or comment
✭ 159
39. khan-windows
Khan Academy for Windows 8
40. culture-cow
NO LONGER USED! This is Culture Cow for HipChat. See Culture Cow code for Slack here: https://github.com/Khan/culture-cron
41. react-balance-text
A React wrapper for the Adobe Web Platform's Balance-Text Project
42. git-workflow
scripts to enable the git workflow at Khan Academy
43. analytics
Tools to analyze KA logs and other data
44. khan.github.io
An index of some of the open source efforts at Khan Academy
1-44 of 44 user projects