2. Angular Slider(DEPRECATED) Slider directive implementation for AngularJS, without jQuery dependencies
4. WikiFederated Wiki - node server as npm package
5. LocaleBrowser locale negotiation for node.js
8. PeerlibraryFacilitating the global conversation on academic literature
9. Color PickerA color picker for the Atom Editor. Right click a color and select color picker to open it.
15. Seasponge🍍 SeaSponge is an accessible threat modelling tool from Mozilla
16. SankeyA javascript library for drawing sankey / flow diagrams
20. SlitherAn open source implementation of the slither.io server
24. Remote SyncUpload your files to remote host after every change. Both SCP/SFTP and FTP are supported.
25. TerminalAtom Terminal package - *not currently maintained*
27. Framer FirebaseThe Firebase module allows your Framer prototype to load, save and sync data effortlessly between multiple sessions and devices.
28. SkeletonExpress 3.0 framework-less app structure generator
29. ZammadZammad is a web based open source helpdesk/customer support system
33. Fanglefangle creates interactive pages from plain text
34. CmGoogle Chrome extension ContextMenus
36. IconathonAn icon task runner that convert Sketch files to mobile and web formats.
39. HalloSimple rich text editor (contentEditable) for jQuery UI
41. ThemestrapA simple starter kit for constructing Twitter Bootstrap 3+ themes.
43. CloudtunesWeb-based music player for the cloud ☁️ 🎶 Play music from YouTube, Dropbox, etc.
45. AlikeA simple-but-useful kNN library for NodeJS, comparing JSON Objects using Euclidean distances
48. PipingKeep your code piping hot! Live code reloading without additional binaries