All Git Users → OpenZeppelin

25 open source projects by OpenZeppelin

1. Openzeppelin Labs
A space for the community to interact and exchange ideas on the OpenZeppelin platform. Do not use in production!
✭ 208
2. Openzeppelin Test Helpers
Assertion library for Ethereum smart contract testing
✭ 180
3. Openzeppelin Contracts Upgradeable
Upgradeable variant of OpenZeppelin Contracts, meant for use in upgradeable contracts.
✭ 159
5. Solidity Docgen
Documentation generator for Solidity projects
✭ 136
6. Awesome Openzeppelin
Blockchain educational resources curated by the OpenZeppelin team
7. Starter Kit
An OpenZeppelin starter kit containing React, OpenZeppelin SDK & OpenZeppelin Contracts.
8. Openzeppelin Contracts
OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development.
9. Exploit Uniswap
Exploiting a Uniswap exchange that uses an ERC777 token by leveraging the reentrant microtrading attack vector
✭ 63
10. Ethernaut
Web3/Solidity based wargame
✭ 489
11. Openzeppelin Sdk
OpenZeppelin SDK repository for CLI and upgrades.js. No longer actively developed.
✭ 366
12. code-style
Code style guidelines and rules for Zeppelin projects
✭ 16
13. cairo-contracts
OpenZeppelin Contracts written in Cairo for StarkNet, a decentralized ZK Rollup
✭ 237
14. openzeppelin-contracts-docs
OpenZeppelin documentation site configuration
Source for the OpenZeppelin documentation site
16. solidity-ast
TypeScript types and a JSON Schema for the Solidity AST
Source code for OpenZeppelin website
✭ 23
18. defender-autotask-examples
Example snippets for Defender Autotasks
19. openzeppelin-network.js
An easy to use and reliable library that provides one line access to Web3 API.
21. starter-kit-tutorial
An OpenZeppelin starter kit tutorial containing React, OpenZeppelin SDK & OpenZeppelin Contracts.
22. defender-docs
Security Management to Protect the Open Economy
✭ 27
23. openzeppelin-contract-loader
Load contract ABIs from built artifacts and return contract objects
24. workshops
Code and slides for OpenZeppelin Workshops
25. gsn-sample-chat app
OpenZeppelin starter-kit based GSN tutorial for a Chat App
1-25 of 25 user projects