All Git Users → bjango

8 open source projects by bjango

1. Hugs
🤗 A super simple starting point for Hugo websites.
2. Bjango Actions
A collection of Photoshop actions, Photoshop scripts, Hazel rules, macOS workflows and other random things for screen designers and developers.
3. Processing Svg Experiments
Some Processing example projects to export SVGs
4. Istatserverlinux
A system monitoring daemon that sends stats to Send stats to iStat View for iOS and iStat View for macOS.
5. Bjango Templates
Design templates for Android, iOS, macOS, Apple TV (tvOS), Apple Watch (watchOS), Windows, Windows Phone and web favicons.
6. Color Creator
Photoshop, Sketch and Affinity Designer documents that use base colors to generate larger palettes.
7. Greyprint
Templates with pre-made styles to assist icon, symbol, and glyph design.
8. Make-This
Project files for the Make This video series and community challenges.
1-8 of 8 user projects