All Git Users → castorini

21 open source projects by castorini

1. Castor
PyTorch deep learning models for text processing
2. Pyserini
Python interface to the Anserini IR toolkit built on Lucene
3. Covidex
A multi-stage neural search engine for the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset
✭ 116
4. Mp Cnn Torch
Multi-Perspective Convolutional Neural Networks for modeling textual similarity (He et al., EMNLP 2015)
5. Howl
Wake word detection modeling toolkit for Firefox Voice, supporting open datasets like Speech Commands and Common Voice.
✭ 63
6. Data
Castorini data
✭ 50
7. Anserini
A Lucene toolkit for replicable information retrieval research
8. Hedwig
PyTorch deep learning models for document classification
9. Honk
PyTorch implementations of neural network models for keyword spotting
✭ 393
10. Buboqa
Simple question answering over knowledge graphs (Mohammed et al., NAACL 2018)
✭ 257
11. DeeBERT
DeeBERT: Dynamic Early Exiting for Accelerating BERT Inference
12. honkling
Web app for keyword spotting using TensorflowJS
✭ 61
13. docTTTTTquery
docTTTTTquery document expansion model
✭ 184
14. VDPWI-NN-Torch
Very Deep Pairwise Word Interaction Neural Networks for modeling textual similarity (He and Lin, NAACL/HLT 2016)
15. chatty-goose
A Python framework for conversational search
TREC-COVID results - this is a mirror of data on the TREC website in a more convenient format.
17. NCE-CNN-Torch
Noise-Contrastive Estimation for Question Answering with Convolutional Neural Networks (Rao et al. CIKM 2016)
18. pygaggle
a gaggle of deep neural architectures for text ranking and question answering, designed for Pyserini
19. d-bert
Distilling BERT using natural language generation.
20. SimpleDBpediaQA
simple QA over knowledge graphs on DBpedia
✭ 24
21. mr.tydi
Mr. TyDi is a multi-lingual benchmark dataset built on TyDi, covering eleven typologically diverse languages.
✭ 46
1-21 of 21 user projects