All Git Users → cirosantilli

26 open source projects by cirosantilli

1. Linux Kernel Module Cheat
The perfect emulation setup to study and develop the Linux kernel v5.4.3, kernel modules, QEMU, gem5 and x86_64, ARMv7 and ARMv8 userland and baremetal assembly, ANSI C, C++ and POSIX. GDB step debug and KGDB just work. Powered by Buildroot and crosstool-NG. Highly automated. Thoroughly documented. Automated tests. "Tested" in an Ubuntu 19.10 ho…
2. Arm Assembly Cheat
MOVED TO: SEE README. ARMv7 and ARMv8 assembly userland minimal examples tutorial. Runnable asserts on x86 hosts with QEMU user mode or natively on ARM targets. Nice GDB step debug setup. Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 host and Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 targets.
3. Java Cheat
Java minimal examples. Asserts used wherever possible. Cheatsheets, tutorials.
✭ 144
4. Write Free Science Books To Get Famous Website
MOVING to: Mission: live in a world where you can learn university-level mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and engineering for free whenever you want from perfect open source books made for free by random people who want to get famous to get better paying jobs.
✭ 112
5. Markdown Style Guide
Readable and portable Markdown style guide:
✭ 103
6. Android Cheat
Dozens of minimal Android demo apps, each a example of one single Android API concept. Tested on Ubuntu 17.10 host, Android Studio 3, Android SDK 26, and an Android 6.0.1 device.
✭ 81
7. Test Git Web Interface
Tests to find bugs on Git web interfaces like GitHub, GitLab, etc. <script>alert('xss')</script>
✭ 51
8. Parsec Benchmark
PARSEC 3.0-beta-20150206 ported to Ubuntu 19.04 and with proper version control and SPLASH2 ported to Buildroot 2017.08 cross compilation (ARM, MIPS, etc.). This repo intends to support all build types and benchmarks, pull requests will be actively tested and merged.
✭ 27
9. Bash Cheat
Bash information, cheatsheets and simple scripts.
✭ 20
10. X86 Assembly Cheat
MOVED TO: SEE README. x86 IA-32 and x86-64 userland minimal examples tutorial. Hundreds of runnable asserts. Nice GDB setup. IO done with libc, so OS portable in theory. NASM and GAS covered. Tested in Ubuntu 18.04. Containers (ELF), linking, calling conventions. System land cheat at:, ARM cheat at:
11. Linux Cheat
Linux tutorials and cheatsheets. Minimal examples. Mostly user-land CLI utilities. Linux kernel at:
✭ 577
12. Cpp Cheat
MOVING TO: SEE README. C, C++, POSIX and Linux system programming minimal examples. Asserts used wherever possible. Hello worlds for cool third party libraries and build systems. Cheatsheets, tutorials and mini-projects.
✭ 474
13. China Dictatorship
Chinese "Communist" "Dictatorship" "facts". 中国《共产主义》《独裁统治》的《事实》。Home to the mega-FAQ, news compilation, restaurant and music recommendations. 常见问答集,新闻集和饭店和音乐建议。Heil Xi 卐. 习万岁。
14. X86 Bare Metal Examples
Dozens of minimal operating systems to learn x86 system programming. Tested on Ubuntu 17.10 host in QEMU 2.10 and real hardware. Userland cheat at: ARM baremetal setup at: 学习x86系统编程的数十个最小操作系统。 已在QE…
15. all-github-commit-emails
5.8 million unique GitHub commit emails (git config extracted from from 2011-02-12 to 2015-12-31. 2016-06-03: emails removed from this repo after request from GitHub. 2016-08-11: emails on GitHub Archive hashed. 2016-08-30: privacy policy updated (because of this repo?! We shall never know). 2018-02-21: …
✭ 46
16. china-dictatorship-2 的备份backup. Anti Chinese government information. 反中共消息库。住在中国真名用户的网友请别给星星,不然你要被警察请喝茶。常见问答集,新闻集和饭店和音乐建议。卐习万岁卐。冠状病毒审查郝海东新疆改造中心六四事件法轮功 996.ICU709大抓捕巴拿马文件邓家贵低端人口西藏骚乱。Friends who live in China and have real name on account, please don't star this repo, or else the police might pay you a visit. Home to…
17. awesome-reinforcement-learning-games
Ideas for games that serve as interesting vison / spacial / robotics reinforcement learning problems, and how to solve them.
✭ 61
18. vcdvcd
Python Verilog value change dump (VCD) parser library + the nifty vcdcat VCD command line pretty printer.
✭ 34
19. runlinux
USE THIS INSTEAD: cd into a Linux kernel source tree, run one command, and get a running QEMU VM with BusyBox.
✭ 26
20. raspberry-pi-bare-metal-blinker
Run one command, get a bare metal hello world blinker image that blinks the OK LED. Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 host, Raspberry Pi 2.
21. jamesmolloy-kernel-development-tutorials
Source code from with improved build system. Tested on Ubuntu 14.04.
22. algorithm-cheat
MOVING TO: see README. Algorithm tutorials and simple multi-language implementations with unit tests. Test case data in language agnostic file formats. Usually updated when I'm grinding for job interviews :-)
23. x86-instruction-encoding-tutorial
x86 Instruction Encoding Tutorial
24. node-express-sequelize-nextjs-realworld-example-app
Node.js + Express.js + Sequelize + SQLite/PostgreSQL + Next.js fullstack static/SSG/ISG Example Realworld App. Includes Heroku deployment, DB migration, DB and API unit testing, DB seeding, and ESLint linting setups.
25. python-cheat
MOVING TO See README. Python minimal examples. Asserts used wherever possible. Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.
26. test-git-conflict
Generate various kinds of Git conflicts, including conflicts suitable to interactively test a merge resolution tool. More fun stuff at:
✭ 18
1-26 of 26 user projects