Android DisassemblerDisassemble ANY files including .so (NDK, JNI), Windows PE(EXE, DLL, SYS, etc), linux binaries, libraries, and any other files such as pictures, audios, etc(for fun)files on Android. Capstone-based disassembler application on android. 안드로이드 NDK 공유 라이브러리, Windows 바이너리, etc,... 리버싱 앱
Talksschedule and materials about my presentations
BdvlLD_PRELOAD Linux rootkit (x86 & ARM)
Gnu EprogEmbedded Programming with the GNU Toolchain
TengineTengine is a lite, high performance, modular inference engine for embedded device
AtaraxiaSimple and lightweight source-based multi-platform Linux distribution with musl libc.
Doesitarm🦾 A list of reported app support for Apple Silicon and the new Apple M1 Macs
HellosiliconAn attempt with ARM64 assembly on Apple Silicon Macs
PpciA compiler for ARM, X86, MSP430, xtensa and more implemented in pure Python
SupermariowarA fan-made multiplayer Super Mario Bros. style deathmatch game
FrostedFrosted: Free POSIX OS for tiny embedded devices
CorehookA library that simplifies intercepting application function calls using managed code and the .NET Core runtime
Arduino boardsBoard definitions for SparkFun-manufactured AVR, ARM, and ESP-based Arduino boards.
ArmrefARM Assembly Reference Manual for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.
SimdjsonParsing gigabytes of JSON per second
Grbl AdvancedGrbl-Advanced is a no-compromise, high performance, low cost alternative for CNC milling. This version of Grbl runs on a STM32F411RE / STM32F446RE Nucleo Board. Now with backlash compensation, multi-axis and Tool Table support!
PiwheelsPython package repository providing wheels (pre-built binaries) for Raspberry Pi
XpccDEPRECATED, use our successor library instead
PolymcuAn open framework for micro-controller software
Mandibulelinux elf injector for x86 x86_64 arm arm64
PwnshopExploit Development, Reverse Engineering & Cryptography
ComputelibraryThe Compute Library is a set of computer vision and machine learning functions optimised for both Arm CPUs and GPUs using SIMD technologies.
PylinkPython Library for device debugging/programming via J-Link
NosRTOS for microcontrollers
Goloaderload and run golang code at runtime.
Arm Assembly CheatMOVED TO: SEE README. ARMv7 and ARMv8 assembly userland minimal examples tutorial. Runnable asserts on x86 hosts with QEMU user mode or natively on ARM targets. Nice GDB step debug setup. Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 host and Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 targets.
Tvm MaliOptimizing Mobile Deep Learning on ARM GPU with TVM
Aws Graviton Getting StartedThis document is meant to help new users start using the Arm-based AWS Graviton and Graviton2 processors which power the 6th generation of Amazon EC2 instances (C6g[d], M6g[d], R6g[d], T4g, X2gd, C6gn)
Cross“Zero setup” cross compilation and “cross testing” of Rust crates
Silicon InfoMac menu bar tool to view the architecture of the running application
Stm32 graphics display driversSTM32 LCD drivers (currently: spi(dma), gpio, fsmc(dma), st7735, st7783, ili9325, ili9328, ili9341, ili9486, ili9488, hx8347g)
ArosMain AROS repository for active development. Contains the main Operating System components and Build System.
Docker UnmsThis image is no longer maintained:
DeobfAn arm32 ollvm like deofuscator,aim to remove obfuscation made by ollvm like compiler
OpenfpgaduinoAll open source file and project for OpenFPGAduino project
AmieA Minimalist Instruction Extender for the ARM architecture and IDA Pro
Cargo Flasha cargo extension for programming microcontrollers
Ipfs RpiIPFS installer for the Raspberry Pi and other ARM-based devices.
Embedded Ai.benchbenchmark for embededded-ai deep learning inference engines, such as NCNN / TNN / MNN / TensorFlow Lite etc.
BuildArmbian Linux build framework
JevoisJeVois smart machine vision framework
LibfacedetectionAn open source library for face detection in images. The face detection speed can reach 1000FPS.
QpcppQP/C++ real-time embedded framework/RTOS for embedded systems based on active objects (actors) and hierarchical state machines
TinaTina is a teeny tiny, header only, coroutine and job library.