All Git Users → edoburu

10 open source projects by edoburu

1. Django Private Storage
Private media file storage for Django projects
✭ 250
2. Docker Pgbouncer
Minimal PgBouncer image that is easy to configure
3. Django Project Template
Django project layout to quickly start build fantastic websites! (included npm, libsass, frontend setup and base Django apps)
✭ 100
4. Django Debugtools
A toolbox of small utilities to assist Django development
5. django-any-urlfield
An improved URL selector to choose between internal models and external URLs
6. django-template-analyzer
Extract template nodes from a Django template
✭ 50
7. django-any-imagefield
A switchable ImageField for third party Django applications
✭ 27
8. django-staff-toolbar
Show staff-only controls at website frontents
9. django-tag-parser
Micro-library to easily write custom Django template tags
10. sphinxcontrib-django
This is a sphinx extension which improves the documentation of Django apps.
1-10 of 10 user projects