DjangoThe Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
JumpserverJumpServer 是全球首款开源的堡垒机,是符合 4A 的专业运维安全审计系统。
Django MailboxImport mail from POP3, IMAP, local email mailboxes or directly from Postfix or Exim4 into your Django application automatically.
ForumDjango forum clone from support SAE
DjangosigeSistema Integrado de Gestão Empresarial baseado em Django
Django Flat Responsive📱 An extension for Django admin that makes interface mobile-friendly. Merged into Django 2.0
Tweetme 2Build a twitter-like app in Django, Bootstrap, Javascript, & React.js. Step-by-Step.
Sh00tSecurity Testing is not as simple as right click > Scan. It's messy, a tough game. What if you had missed to test just that one thing and had to regret later? Sh00t is a highly customizable, intelligent platform that understands the life of bug hunters and emphasizes on manual security testing.
Cancancancan is a tiny permission controller base on ruby cancan library.
HackidehackIDE is an online code editor, compiler and interpreter based on Django, powered by HackerEarth API! Go, hack it!
FosswebsiteA club management system that handles student details, progress, events, achievements, attendance, status updates, teams and workshop registrations. This is the official [email protected] website
Pyinstrument🚴 Call stack profiler for Python. Shows you why your code is slow!
RelateRELATE is an Environment for Learning And TEaching
Chain链喵 CMDB 本项目已停止开发!因长时间未对代码进行维护,可能会造成项目在不同环境上无法部署、运行BUG等问题,请知晓!项目仅供参考!
TacticalrmmA remote monitoring & management tool, built with Django, Vue and Go.
Django Colorfieldcolor field for django models with a nice color-picker in the admin. 🎨
Zds SiteCœur du projet technique de Zeste de Savoir
Celery ProgressDrop in, configurable, dependency-free progress bars for your Django/Celery applications.
Rest ApiLearn how to build your own REST API with Python, Django, and the Django Rest Framework.
DjangobbDjangoBB mirror. DjangoBB is a quick and simple forum which uses the Django Framework (written in Python language). Abbreviation DjangoBB stands for Django Bulletin Board. DjangoBB is distributed under the BSD license.
Django Data Wizard🧙⚙️ Import structured data (e.g. Excel, CSV, XML, JSON) into one or more Django models via an interactive web-based wizard
Mayan EdmsFree Open Source Document Management System (mirror, no pull request or issues)
Django SockpuppetBuild reactive applications with the django tooling you already know and love.
OpalA web framework for building highly usable healthcare applications.
OwnphotosSelf hosted alternative to Google Photos
AlcaliFeatureful Saltstack GUI
Websitedjango 开发的BBS博客项目, 此项目包含多用户注册,话题模块,发布文章,文章评论,课程、社区BBS以及消息提示,关注,采用邮箱注册,激活验证登录,以及QQ注册登录,招募作者发布教程在后台管理系统发布, pc采用模板渲染,cms采用vue drf前后分离,登录采用JWT认证登录、移动端采用react开发,
AuthlibThe ultimate Python library in building OAuth, OpenID Connect clients and servers. JWS,JWE,JWK,JWA,JWT included.
Automagicweb automated test platform with Python Django
TreeherderA system for managing CI data for Mozilla projects
Graphene File UploadEnhances Graphene Django GraphQL Server for intuitive file uploads via GraphQL mutations.