17 open source projects by jez

1. Tufte Pandoc Css
Starter files for using Pandoc Markdown with Tufte CSS
2. Git Heatmap
📊 Display a heatmap for oft-edited files
3. As Tree
Print a list of paths as a tree of paths 🌳
✭ 167
4. Vim Superman
Read Unix man pages faster than a speeding bullet!
✭ 166
5. Vim As An Ide
Workshop on how to use Vim Plugins.
6. Dotfiles
My personal collection of configuration files.
7. Pandoc Sidenote
Convert Pandoc Markdown-style footnotes into sidenotes
8. Latex Homework Class
A class for homework assignments written in LaTeX.
9. Calz
📆 A natural language alternative to Unix 'cal'
✭ 41
10. Pandoc Starter
📄 My pandoc markdown templates and makefiles
11. vim-github-hub
A Vim filetype plugin for github/hub ⚡
12. bask
😎 Bask in the convenience of a task runner for bash
13. tufte-pandoc-jekyll
A Jekyll theme for using Tufte CSS with Jekyll + Pandoc
14. blog
an Octopress blog by Jake Zimmerman
15. hpstr-theme
A Medium-like Octopress theme based on the HPSTR Jekyll theme.
16. vim-better-sml
🎉 Enjoy writing SML within Vim
17. latex-solarized
Provides three LaTeX packages for using the Solarized theme in LaTeX code listings.
1-17 of 17 user projects