Top 127 pandoc open source projects

Markdown editor with pandoc integration and paginated preview.
Open Publisher
Using Jekyll to create outputs that can be used as Pandoc inputs. In short - input markdown, output mobi, epub, pdf, and print-ready pdf. With a focus on fiction.
Tufte Pandoc Css
Starter files for using Pandoc Markdown with Tufte CSS
Pandoc Book Template
A simple Pandoc template to build documents and ebooks.
A writing workflow using Scrivener's style system and Pandoc for output…
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Pandoc Markdown Book Template
A template for creating epub books from markdown using pandoc.
Mermaid Filter
Pandoc filter for creating diagrams in mermaid syntax blocks in markdown docs
Pandoc Goodies
A tresure-box of resources for pandoc, pp and Texts word processor.
Awesome Scientific Writing
⌨️ A curated list of awesome tools, demos and resources to go beyond LaTeX
Dockerfiles for various pandoc images
Webpages To Ebook
Create an EPUB from a list of URLs. Standing on the shoulders of Wget, Readability and Pandoc.
Personal *nix configuration files
Pandoc Markdown Template
Markdown templates for Pandoc
Pandoc Action Example
using the pandoc document converter on GitHub Actions
Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc
Org Pandoc Import
Save yourself from non-org formats, thanks to pandoc
Prose diffs for any document format supported by Pandoc
Markdown Cv
Simple Markdown CV / Resume
An easy framework for drafting scientific documents: Write (Markdown), Compile (PDF, Word, HTML), Share.
Linl Is Not Letter -- Markdown-based LaTeX Letter Template
Pandoc Sidenote
Convert Pandoc Markdown-style footnotes into sidenotes
Pandoc Letter Din5008
Pandoc template for writing Markdown letters (DIN 5008)
Ieee Pandoc Template
IEEE paper template for pandoc
Pandoc Plot
Render and include figures in Pandoc documents using your plotting toolkit of choice
C bindings to Pandoc, a markup converter library written in Haskell.
presentations as code - author cool slide decks, text-only, offline-ready, collaborative
Pandoc Plantuml Filter
Pandoc filter for PlantUML code blocks
The markdown editor worth stealing. Inspired by Ulysses, based on code from Quilter
Cv Boilerplate
Programmatic generation of high-quality CVs
Go Pandoc
Run pandoc as a service
Minimalistic Markdown viewer/converter with built-in Css stylesheets support.
Easy Pandoc Templates
A collection of portable pandoc templates with no dependencies
Phd thesis markdown
Template for writing a PhD thesis in Markdown
A Markdown-centric template engine for batch offline document generation.
Pandoc Latex Tip
A pandoc filter for adding tip in LaTeX
Vim Pandoc
pandoc integration and utilities for vim
Invoice Boilerplate
Simple automated LaTeX invoicing system
Pandoc Crossref
Pandoc filter for cross-references
🚀 Modern Task System for Project Building, Testing and Deploying !!
Pandoc Starter
📄 My pandoc markdown templates and makefiles
R Package to Quickly and Neatly Summarize Data
Letter Boilerplate
Finest letter typesetting from the command line
Pandoc based document editor and converter in your browser.
Pandoc Scholar
Create beautiful and semantically meaningful articles with pandoc.
Rmarkdown Cookbook
R Markdown Cookbook. A range of tips and tricks to make better use of R Markdown.
CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.
Pandoc Letter
Pandoc template for writing letters in markdown
An Pythonic alternative to John MacFarlane's pandocfilters, with extra helper functions
Minimalist static blog generator written in Python
bayesplot R package for plotting Bayesian models
An R Pandoc Writer: Convert arbitrary R objects into markdown
1-60 of 127 pandoc projects