All Git Users → jiejieTop

6 open source projects by jiejieTop

1. Mqttclient
A high-performance, high-stability, cross-platform MQTT client, developed based on the socket API, can be used on embedded devices (FreeRTOS / LiteOS / RT-Thread / TencentOS tiny), Linux, Windows, Mac, with a very concise The API interface realizes the quality of service of QOS2 with very few resources, and seamlessly connects the mbedtls encryption library.
2. Buttondrive
✭ 159
3. Cmd Parser
4. Http Client
A high-performance, high-stability, cross-platform HTTP client.
5. DoraOS
DoraOS 是我个人所写的RTOS内核,结合FreeRTOS、uCOS, RT-Thread, LiteOS 的特性所写,取其精华,去其糟粕,本项目将持续维护,欢迎大家fork与star。
6. kawaii-mqtt
基于socket API的MQTT客户端,以极少的资源实现qos2服务质量,并且实现mbedtls支持,此仓库是专门为RT-Thread做的软件包,原始仓库位于:
1-6 of 6 user projects