AxiosPromise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
HttpieAs easy as /aitch-tee-tee-pie/ 🥧 Modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API era. JSON support, colors, sessions, downloads, plugins & more.
HttpHTTP (The Gem! a.k.a. http.rb) is an easy-to-use client library for making requests
from Ruby. It uses a simple method chaining system for building requests, similar to
Python's Requests.
ElasticAn Elasticsearch REST API client for Rust
Urllib3Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post support, user friendly, and more.
PunchclockMake sure your asynchronous operations show up to work on time
Avhttpavhttp is concurrent http downloader
Http Client[Deprecated] Event-driven, streaming HTTP client for ReactPHP.
Http ClientAn HTTP client engine, intended as a base layer for more user-friendly packages.
FluenthttpclientA modern async HTTP client for REST APIs. Its fluent interface lets you send an HTTP request and parse the response in one go.
DonkeyModern Clojure HTTP server and client built for ease of use and performance
ResterA REST client for almost any web service (Firefox and Chrome Extension)
Ob Httpmake http request within org-mode babel
Play WsStandalone Play WS, an async HTTP client with fluent API
Http Kithttp-kit is a minimalist, event-driven, high-performance Clojure HTTP server/client library with WebSocket and asynchronous support
HttplugHTTPlug, the HTTP client abstraction for PHP
WretchA tiny wrapper built around fetch with an intuitive syntax. 🍬
FshttpA lightweight F# HTTP library.
Zio HttpA scala library to write Http apps.
GrabWeb Scraping Framework
CrestHTTP and REST client for Crystal
Resilient.jsFault tolerant and reactive HTTP client for node.js and browsers
RehttpPackage rehttp implements a Go HTTP transport that handles retries.
Http4sA minimal, idiomatic Scala interface for HTTP
Libhv🔥 比libevent、libuv更易用的国产网络库。A c/c++ network library for developing TCP/UDP/SSL/HTTP/WebSocket client/server.
HttpoisonYet Another HTTP client for Elixir powered by hackney
Gh GotConvenience wrapper for Got to interact with the GitHub API
CurlsharpCurlSharp - .Net binding and object-oriented wrapper for libcurl.
Halite💎HTTP Requests Client with a chainable REST API, built-in sessions and middlewares.
GooseLoad testing tool, inspired by Locust
HttppMicro http server and client written in C++
GrequestsA Go "clone" of the great and famous Requests library
AiohttpAsynchronous HTTP client/server framework for asyncio and Python
Http4kThe Functional toolkit for Kotlin HTTP applications. http4k provides a simple and uniform way to serve, consume, and test HTTP services.
Fs2 HttpHttp Server and client using fs2
AndroidsnooperAndroid library to record the network calls through the interceptor mechanism of the http clients.
FrequestFRequest - A fast, lightweight and opensource desktop application to make HTTP(s) requests
Arduinosim800lArduino HTTP & FTP client for SIM800L/SIM800 boards to perform GET and POST requests to a JSON API as well as FTP uploads.
QtnetworkngQtNetwork Next Generation. A coroutine based network framework for Qt/C++, with more simpler API than boost::asio.
RxiosA RxJS wrapper for axios
Lua Resty HttpLua HTTP client cosocket driver for OpenResty / ngx_lua.
X7x7-repo: simple orm based on spring jdbcTemplate + sqli; x7-reyc: httpClient or httpTemplate + resilience4j for k8s, plus distribution transaction
H2cheaders 2 curl. Provided a set of HTTP request headers, output the curl command line for generating that set. Try the converter online at
MaxwellMaxwell is an HTTP client which support for middleware and multiple adapters.
Http🌵 A simple http client wrapper.
SnugWrite reusable web API interactions
SqubsAkka Streams & Akka HTTP for Large-Scale Production Deployments
Php FetchA simple, type-safe, zero dependency port of the javascript fetch WebApi for PHP
KatipoHTTP2 client for Erlang based on libcurl and libevent
Got🌐 Human-friendly and powerful HTTP request library for Node.js