All Git Users → knadh

19 open source projects by knadh

1. Hugo Ink
Crisp, minimal personal website and blog theme for Hugo
Python scripts for processing XML documents and converting to SQL, CSV, and JSON [UNMAINTAINED]
✭ 201
3. Go Get Youtube
A tiny Go library + client for downloading Youtube videos. The library is capable of fetching Youtube video metadata, in addition to downloading videos.
✭ 120
4. Otpgateway
Standalone server for user address and OTP verification flows with pluggable providers (e-mail, SMS, bank penny drops etc.)
✭ 117
5. Dictmaker
A stand-alone web server app for rapidly building and publishing full fledged dictionary websites and APIs for any language.
6. Tinytabs
A tiny (1.3 KB minified) Javascript tabbing library for rendering tabbed UIs. Zero dependencies.
✭ 37
7. Tinytooltip
An extremely tiny tooltip plugin for jQuery
8. Niltalk
Instant, disposable, single-binary web based live chat server. Go + VueJS.
9. Dragmove.js
A super tiny Javascript library to make DOM elements draggable and movable. ~500 bytes and no dependencies.
10. Localstoragedb
A simple database layer for localStorage and sessionStorage for creating structured data in the form of databases and tables
✭ 706
12. Koanf
Light weight, extensible configuration management library for Go. Built in support for JSON, TOML, YAML, env, command line, file, S3 etc. Alternative to viper.
13. gtbump
git tag bump: A simple utility to bump and manage git semantic version tags and generate Markdown changelogs.
14. indexed-cache
A tiny Javsacript library for sideloading static assets on pages and caching them in the browser's IndexedDB for longer-term storage.
15. mlphone
MLphone (Python, PHP) is a phonetic algorithm for indexing Malayalam words by their pronounciation, like Metaphone for English. The algorithm generates three Romanized phonetic keys (hashes) of varying phonetic proximities for a given Malayalam word.
✭ 25
16. simplemysql
An ultra simple wrapper for Python MySQLdb with very basic functionality
✭ 74
17. jsonconfig
Super tiny JSON configuration file parser with comments support for Go programs
✭ 12
18. datuk
"Datuk", the Unicode Malayalam - Malayalam dictionary dataset
✭ 33
19. git-bars
A utility for visualising git commit activity as bars on the terminal
✭ 58
1-19 of 19 user projects