Npm UpgradeInteractive CLI utility to easily update outdated NPM dependencies
Gem updaterUpdate gems in your Gemfile and fetch their changelogs
CkchangelogckChangeLog - An Android Library to display a Change Log
Keep A ChangelogTools for manipulating files in Keep A Changelog format, including tagging and releasing.
Maintainer 👨💻 🐳 Generate personal daily reports or summary, AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTING, CHANGELOG and so on for GitHub user or repository.
LogliveRender changelog as a website on the fly.
Commit Analyzer💡 semantic-release plugin to analyze commits with conventional-changelog
Changelog📘 semantic-release plugin to create or update a changelog file
Gacp💬Git add, commit, push with Conventional Commits and Gitmoji.
AppupdaterA library that checks for your apps' updates on Google Play, GitHub, Amazon, F-Droid or your own server. API 9+ required.
ChyleChangelog generator : use a git repository and various data sources and publish the result on external services
Gh Release Create a github release for a node package.
Git Changelog LibLibrary for parsing and generating a changelog, or releasenotes, from a GIT repository
Git ChglogCHANGELOG generator implemented in Go (Golang).
ChangelogJekyll powered static site to host your product's changelog. Demo -
ChangeloggedQuickly generate a list of merged PRs in the given git range
Changelog CiChangelog CI is a GitHub Action that generates changelog, Then the changelog is committed and/or commented to the release Pull request.
Git ChangelogAutomatic Changelog generator using Jinja2 templates.
FugitiveSimple command line tool to make git more intuitive, along with useful GitHub addons.
Aosp.changelog.toGenerates a change log between different aosp tags. Based on the wonderful work of @alsutton
StrangelogPainless file-based changelog management via CLI.
Github Release NotesNode module to create a release or a changelog from a tag and uses issues or commits to creating the release notes.
Standard Version🏆 Automate versioning and CHANGELOG generation, with and
Git Quick Stats▁▅▆▃▅ Git quick statistics is a simple and efficient way to access various statistics in git repository.
Release It🚀 Automate versioning and package publishing
ObjectloggerA powerful and easy-to-use operational logging system that supports analysis of changes in object properties. 强大且易用的操作日志记录系统,支持对象属性的变化分析。
BumpBump updates the project's version, updates/creates the changelog, makes the bump commit, tags the bump commit and makes the release to GitHub. Opinionated but configurable.
Releaser ToolsCreate a GitHub/GitLab/etc. release using a project's commit messages and metadata.
Cli🆑📍 Setup automated semver compliant package publishing
PingPing! Share show ideas, feedback, or general questions. Just create an issue.
changeA simple tool that automates generating and updating a changelog
gtbumpgit tag bump: A simple utility to bump and manage git semantic version tags and generate Markdown changelogs.
git-conventional-commitsGit Conventional Commits Util to generate Semantic Version and Markdown Change Log and Validate Commit Messag
perfektRelease, changelog and version your packages with perfe(k)t 👌 ease!
changieAutomated changelog tool for preparing releases with lots of customization options
sv4gitSemantic version and conventional commits for git
commitlogGenerate Changelogs from Commits (CLI)
bump-everywhere🚀 Automate versioning, changelog creation, README updates and GitHub releases using GitHub Actions,npm, docker or bash.