17 open source projects by mpgn

1. Padding Oracle Attack
🔓 Padding oracle attack against PKCS7 🔓
2. Cve 2019 0192
RCE on Apache Solr using deserialization of untrusted data via jmx.serviceUrl
✭ 209
3. Poodle Poc
🐩 Poodle (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) attack CVE-2014-3566 🐩
4. Spring Boot Actuator Exploit
Spring Boot Actuator (jolokia) XXE/RCE
✭ 193
5. Cve 2019 5418
CVE-2019-5418 - File Content Disclosure on Ruby on Rails
✭ 169
6. Cve 2019 7238
🐱‍💻 Poc of CVE-2019-7238 - Nexus Repository Manager 3 Remote Code Execution 🐱‍💻
✭ 137
7. Byp Sop
🏴‍☠️ Bypass Same Origin Policy with DNS-rebinding to retrieve local server files 🏴‍☠️
✭ 131
8. Cve 2019 19781
CVE-2019-19781 - Remote Code Execution on Citrix ADC Netscaler exploit
✭ 115
9. Rails Doubletap Rce
RCE on Rails 5.2.2 using a path traversal (CVE-2019-5418) and a deserialization of Ruby objects (CVE-2019-5420)
✭ 105
10. CVE-2018-19276
CVE-2018-19276 - OpenMRS Insecure Object Deserialization RCE
12. ntlmrelayx-prettyloot
Convert the loot directory of ntlmrelayx into an enum4linux like output
14. CVE-2019-7609
RCE on Kibana versions before 5.6.15 and 6.6.0 in the Timelion visualizer
✭ 47
15. CVE-2019-3799
CVE-2019-3799 - Spring Cloud Config Server: Directory Traversal < 2.1.2, 2.0.4, 1.4.6
16. CVE-2018-17246
CVE-2018-17246 - Kibana LFI < 6.4.3 & 5.6.13
✭ 59
17. heartbleed-PoC
💔 Hearbleed exploit to retrieve sensitive information CVE-2014-0160 💔
✭ 73
1-17 of 17 user projects