XoCommand line tool to generate idiomatic Go code for SQL databases supporting PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server
Freesql🦄 .NET orm, Mysql orm, Postgresql orm, SqlServer orm, Oracle orm, Sqlite orm, Firebird orm, 达梦 orm, 人大金仓 orm, 神通 orm, 翰高 orm, 南大通用 orm, Click house orm, MsAccess orm.
OcilibOCILIB (C and C++ Drivers for Oracle) - Open source C and C++ library for accessing Oracle databases
ToraTOra is an open source SQL IDE for Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL dbs
PonyPony Object Relational Mapper
HeraHigh Efficiency Reliable Access to data stores
3dcitydb3D City Database - The Open Source CityGML Database
Aioodbcaioodbc - is a library for accessing a ODBC databases from the asyncio
KoolreportThis is an Open Source PHP Reporting Framework which you can use to write perfect data reports or to construct awesome dashboards using PHP
ObevoObevo is a database deployment tool that handles enterprise scale schemas and complexity
Domt这是一个J2EE学生宿舍管理系统, 能完成学生班级楼栋宿舍等的基本管理, 能够智能批量地分配和腾空宿舍, 能够统计打印学生和宿舍入住名单
Sharding Method分表分库的新思路——服务层Sharding框架,全SQL、全数据库兼容,ACID特性与原生数据库一致,能实现RR级别读写分离,无SQL解析性能更高
SqitchSensible database change management
Linux UekOracle Linux UEK: Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel
Centos2olScript and documentation to switch CentOS Linux to Oracle Linux
UniversaljavaapplicationstubuniversalJavaApplicationStub - an alternative Application launcher script for Java based macOS Apps that works with both Apple's and Oracle's PList format and supports the old Apple Java 6 as well as all the latest Oracle/OpenJDK/Adopt/Corretto JRE's/JDK's. Plus it supports drag&drop to the Dock icon 🎉
QxormQxOrm library - C++ Qt ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and ODM (Object Document Mapper) library - Official repository
SqlcheckAutomatically identify anti-patterns in SQL queries
BandchainBandChain - Decentralized Data Delivery Network
Appbundle Maven PluginMaven plugin that creates an Application Bundle for OS X containing all your project dependencies and the necessary metadata
Ruby Oci8Ruby-oci8 - Oracle interface for ruby
IndigoUniversal cheminformatics libraries, utilities and database search tools
Oracle JavaAnsible role to install Oracle Java 8/11 on Debian and RedHat based distributions.
Blockchainblockchain (crypto) tools, libraries & scripts in ruby
Chainlinknode of the decentralized oracle network, bridging on and off-chain computation
KangarooSQL client and admin tool for popular databases
Hybrid multicloud overlayMutiCloud_Overlay demonstrates a use case of overlay over one or more clouds such as AWS, Azure, GCP, OCI, Alibaba and a vSphere private infrastructure in Hub and spoke topology, point to point topology and in a Single cloud. Overlay protocols IPv6 and IPv4 are independent of underlying infrastructure. This solution can be integrated with encryption and additional security features.
DirectusOpen-Source Data Platform 🐰 — Directus wraps any SQL database with a real-time GraphQL+REST API and an intuitive app for non-technical users.
Apijson🚀 零代码、热更新、全自动 ORM 库,后端接口和文档零代码,前端(客户端) 定制返回 JSON 的数据和结构。 🚀 A JSON Transmission Protocol and an ORM Library for automatically providing APIs and Docs.
DataxDataX is an open source universal ETL tool that support Cassandra, ClickHouse, DBF, Hive, InfluxDB, Kudu, MySQL, Oracle, Presto(Trino), PostgreSQL, SQL Server
Pgql LangPGQL is an SQL-based query language for the Property Graph data model
Csv2dbThe CSV to database command line loader
MahaA framework for rapid reporting API development; with out of the box support for high cardinality dimension lookups with druid.
Adminer CustomCustomizations for Adminer, the best database management tool written in PHP.
EnduroxEnduro/X Middleware Platform for Distributed Transaction Processing
Pax💀 🔓 CLI tool for PKCS7 padding oracle attacks
DockerfilesJust some Dockerfiles I'm playing around with.
Dbwebapi(Migrated from CodePlex) DbWebApi is a .Net library that implement an entirely generic Web API (RESTful) for HTTP clients to call database (Oracle & SQL Server) stored procedures or functions in a managed way out-of-the-box without any configuration or coding.
ContractsBand Protocol's Solidity smart contracts
ChloeA lightweight and high-performance Object/Relational Mapping(ORM) library for .NET --C#