Top 50 Sage open source projects

1. Cosmos Sdk
⛓️ A Framework for Building High Value Public Blockchains ✨
2. Rsactftool
RSA attack tool (mainly for ctf) - retreive private key from weak public key and/or uncipher data
3. Go Ethereum
Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
4. sidh-rs
Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman in Rust
5. Cryptographic-Attacks
Repository containing implementation of attacks on modern public key cryptosystems and symmetric key ciphers.
6. tweedle
Generator and supporting evidence for security of the Tweedledum/Tweedledee pair of elliptic curves suitable for Halo
7. puzzles
Code for a variety of fun puzzle problems.
8. diode client
Diode client written in GO that runs the Blockquick™ algorithm and a socks server to transmit data through diodechain.
9. pbctf-2020-challs
Challenges from pbctf 2020
10. leaky-LWE-Estimator
A sage Toolkit for mounting/estimating attacks on LWE with Side Information
✭ 13
11. veedo
No description, website, or topics provided.
12. keycommitment
Sample implementations of the attacks shown in
✭ 14
13. btcdeb
Bitcoin Script Debugger
15. go-aoa
The Aurorachain project has three phases, this is the first phase of the code.
17. GeoRegression
Java based geometry library for transforming, fitting, and intersecting geometric shapes and motion models.
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18. Anyswap-MPCNode
No description, website, or topics provided.
20. irita-sdk-go
Golang SDK for IRITA
21. Elastos.ELA.SideChain.ESC
No description, website, or topics provided.
22. libff
C++ library for Finite Fields and Elliptic Curves
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24. yaarx
Yet Another Toolkit for Analysis of ARX Cryptographic Algorithms
25. coppersmith-algorithm
Implements Coron's simplification of Coppersmith's algorithm
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27. ZYX-20
A Zyx Network client based on the go-ethereum fork
28. SIKE-challenges
No description, website, or topics provided.
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29. go-BitRay
A Decentralized Transaction Ledger and Storage Infrastructure
30. acm-icpc
Tangjz's code repository, for acm-icpc.
33. rkm0959 implements
rkm0959 implements stuff
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35. gttc
Official Go implementation of maro (TTC), A Decentralized and Incentivized Social Networking Protocol
36. jubjub
Supporting evidence for security of the Jubjub curve to be used in Zcash
37. go-ethereum
[Optimism] Go implementation of the Optimistic Ethereum protocol
38. heco-chain
HECO-Chain client based on the go-ethereum fork
39. ctf
My CTF write-ups
41. reed-solomon-erasure
[Looking for new owners/maintainers, see #88] Rust implementation of Reed-Solomon erasure coding
42. Alaya-Go
Golang implementation of the Alaya protocol
44. deepmath-exo7
Deepmath : Mathématiques des réseaux de neurones
45. energi
This repository is the Energi full node software which runs the Energi blockchain. It is used by stakers and masternodes to validate blocks and provide services to the Energi network. It also provides HTTP and Websocket API access to the Energi network.
46. bls12
✭ 22
47. curves
Implementations of popular elliptic curves
48. writeups
No description, website, or topics provided.
49. ecfft-bn254
ECFFT in Rust
✭ 39
50. das account indexer
DEPRECATED, please use
1-50 of 50 Sage projects