21 open source projects by mxcl

1. Version
semver (Semantic Version) Swift µFramework.
2. Promisekit
Promises for Swift & ObjC.
3. Appupdater
Automatically update open source macOS apps from GitHub releases.
✭ 202
4. Chalk
Terminal colors using Swift 5’s string interpolation extensions.
✭ 186
5. Legibleerror
Beating `Error.localizedDescription` at its own game.
6. Audioscrobbler.app
Minimal, robust iTunes scrobbling
✭ 138
7. Swift Sh
Easily script with third-party Swift dependencies.
✭ 1,587
8. Yosemite Menu Inverter
Invert your Yosemite icons
✭ 71
9. Mbwebsocketserver
An objc draft 10 websocket implementation
✭ 65
10. Uiimageaveragecolor
[UIImage averageColor]
✭ 30
11. Path.swift
Delightful, robust, cross-platform and chainable file-pathing functions.
12. Yolokit
Getting square objects down round holes
✭ 665
13. Workbench
Seamless, automatic, “dotfile” sync to iCloud.
✭ 650
14. Cake
A delicious, quality‑of‑life supplement for your app‑development toolbox.
✭ 543
15. Omghttpurlrq
Vital extensions to NSURLRequest that Apple left out for some reason.
✭ 338
16. UIColorPerceivedLuminance
[UIColor perceivedLuminance]
17. AmA
Ask mxcl anything.
✭ 48
18. StreamReader
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 16
19. MBAppStoreRater
Non-intrusive invitation to rate your iOS app
20. xcodebuild
A continuously resilient `xcodebuild` “GitHub Action”. Also it’s the best.
21. initWith...FuckIt
Constructors for pithy, potty-mouths.
1-21 of 21 user projects