48 open source projects by orta

1. You Can Do It
Is learning a new language getting you down? Worry not, this Xcode plugin will keep you motivated.
✭ 236
2. Chairs
Swap around your iOS Simulator Documents
✭ 230
3. Cocoapods Fix React Native
A CocoaPods plugin for hot-patching React Native per-version
✭ 230
4. Vscode React Native Storybooks
Inline your Storybooks server in VS Code
✭ 158
5. Aranalytics
Simplify your iOS/Mac analytics
✭ 1,843
objective cruby
6. Speeds Ver
A Mac OS X Screensaver - Shows people doing speedruns as your screensaver.
✭ 141
7. Imessage Style Receding Keyboard
A demo application for showing how to drag the keyboard down with your finger.
✭ 138
8. Cocoapods Keys
A key value store for storing per-developer environment and application keys
✭ 1,484
9. Wallpapers
A Mac App for Downloading Wallpapers.
✭ 93
10. Redxcode
When Xcode is being ran in a debugger, make it obvious that it's in dev mode by turning it red and adding a cool banner.
✭ 92
11. Twitter Urls To Clients
Safari / Chrome extension to convert all Twitter.com urls to mac twitter app specific URLs
✭ 90
12. Puttio
A Universal iOS App for Put.IO
✭ 85
13. Essence
A VSCode UI.
✭ 73
14. Mixtapes
an iPad app for making mixtapes using Spotify
✭ 42
15. Arena For Safari
Adds an are.na button to Safari
✭ 13
16. Cocoapods generate unit tests
An experiment in scripting an entirely runnable xcodeproject + tests in ruby
✭ 10
17. Relay Artist Example
An example React Native app using Relay to access the Artsy GraphQL API
✭ 16
18. Gifs
A Mac App for finding GIFs
✭ 605
19. Pragmatic Testing
Pragmatic testing ebook
✭ 522
20. Orstackview
Vertically stack views using Auto Layout, with an order specific subclass that uses view tags for ordering.
✭ 426
21. Snapshots
An Xcode Plugin to show the state of FBSnapshot Tests.
✭ 367
22. GotTheRoutesLikeSwagger
Ruby app to take a Swagger API and generate NSURLRequests.
✭ 24
23. typescript-notes
High-level notes about TypeScript
✭ 318
24. cocoapods-no-dev-schemes
Removes all the CocoaPods Shared Schemes from Developer Pods
✭ 27
25. ORSimulatorKeyboardAccessor
Use your keyboard in the iOS simulator with a blocks based API
26. awesome-typescript-derived-languages
Projects which have taken "TypeScript" and made it more than just 'JS with Types'
✭ 54
27. GitDawg
React Native Components for GitHawk
28. OROpenSubtitleDownloader
An Obj-C API for Searching and Downloading Subtitles from OpenSubtitles.
29. notes
An exploration on keeping public notes
30. WibbleQuest
A Text Adventure Game framework for iOS
31. recommendations
A source-format agnostic way of providing recommendations
✭ 82
32. Snapshots-app
A Mac App for viewing view-based Snapshot tests
33. typescript-stickers
Stickers for TypeScript
✭ 39
34. github-webhook-event-types
TypeScript type definitions for GitHub's events
✭ 27
35. orta
Profile bio
36. vscode-themes
✭ 15
37. react-storybooks-relay-container
Storybook template for Relay containers
✭ 39
38. github-clippers
Automate away the annoying requests for you to close your branches after PR merges in Safari
39. youtube
Scripts for videos and talks
✭ 38
40. keyboard shortcuts
Notes on Keyboard Shortcuts for the Mac. Oriented towards technical but not programmers.
✭ 53
41. dna
my dna in raw text
✭ 79
42. cocoapods-expert-difficulty
Make your CocoaPods experience even harder, by ignoring platforms from lib authors
✭ 24
43. FastImageCacheExample
The simplest possible use of FastImageCache
44. OROpenInAppCode
Opens the current xcworkspace / xcproject in AppCode.
45. Snapshots-Peek
Show-off your Snapshots in Xcode
46. ImageCachingExamples
A complete example of using SDWebImage to do synchronous image loading for FBSnapshots
✭ 18
47. vscode-ios-common-files
This Extension adds Ruby syntax highlighting for CocoaPods and Fastlane stuff
✭ 35
48. cocoapods-xcautotest
Automatically inject new test classes into your iOS simulator without restarts.
1-48 of 48 user projects