All Git Users → sparrow007

9 open source projects by sparrow007

1. Circularprogressbar
CircularProgressbar project let you create circular progressbar in android
2. Blurimage
This Android Project help you to make your image blur in fastest way
3. Carouselrecyclerview
Carousel Recyclerview let's you create carousel layout with the power of recyclerview by creating custom layout manager.
4. Circularimageview
This project allowing you to create circular and rounded corner Imageview in android through simplest way.
5. Androidlikebutton
This library will help you to create animation like twitter heart and facebook like and smiley animation in simplest way
6. AndroidJoyStickView
This library lets you create joystick with some customization for android
7. PaletteShadowView
This library shows the shadow of the image by it's palette color.
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8. CustomToggleButton
This Project let you create the custom toggleButton with beautiful animation in a simplest way
9. InstagramVideoButton
This library is inspired by the instagram video button having the same animation, look and feel.
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1-9 of 9 user projects