Nytimes App🗽 A Simple Demonstration of the New York Times App 📱 using Jsoup web crawler with MVVM Architecture 🔥
PagerecyclerviewPageRecyclerView achieves page turning function and unlimited carousel
ShswiperefreshlayoutAndroid 升级版 SwipeRefreshLayout,支持RecyclerView、ScrollView等大部分组件,下拉刷新(Refresh)和上拉加载(Loadmore),支持自定义HeaderView和FooterView
PageindicatorAn Instagram like page indicator compatible with RecyclerView and ViewPager.
Mjolnirrecyclerview[DEPRECATED] This library is no longer maintained and it will not receive any more updates.
Dsladapter🔥 Kotlin时代的Adapter, Dsl 的形式使用 RecyclerView.Adapter, 支持折叠展开, 树结构,悬停,情感图状态切换, 加载更多, 多类型Item,侧滑菜单等
Overscroll DecorAndroid: iOS-like over-scrolling effect applicable over almost all scrollable Android views.
Reswipecarda light lib for swipe the cards implemented by RecyclerView
AdmobadapterIt wraps your Adapter to display Admob native ads and banners in a ListView/RecyclerView data set. It based on the Yahoo fetchr project https://github.com/yahoo/fetchr
Licenseadapteradapter for RecyclerView to display app's oss dependencies' license
KohiiAndroid Video Playback made easy.
FlapFlap(灵动),一个基于 RecyclerView 的页面组件化框架。
TabscrollattacherAttach TabLayout and RecyclerView. Useful for categorizing RecyclerView items.
DiffadapterA high-performance , easy-to-use Adapter for RecyclerView ,using diffutil
Moretypenew method to build data in RecyclerView with Kotlin!
EasyadapterThis project demonstrates simple approach for implementation complex lists, based on RecyclerView.
InfinitescrollInfinite Scroll (Endless Scrolling) for RecyclerView in Android
DragdroptworecyclerviewsA code example demonstrating a dragging and dropping from one RecyclerView into another RecyclerView.
NopaginateAndroid pagination library (updated 01.05.2018)
PlaceholderviewThis library provides advance views for lists and stacks. Some of the views are build on top of RecyclerView and others are written in their own. Annotations are compiled by annotation processor to generate bind classes. DOCS -->
SnappyrecyclerviewAn extension to RecyclerView which will snap to child Views to the specified anchor, START, CENTER or END.
Airbnb Android Google Map ViewThis is a sample Android Application which has Google Map view similar to what AirBnb Android Application. Moving Markers like Uber/Ola. Custom Google Search for places. Recycler view with Animations added.
CustomadapterRV Adapter 优雅封装,抽取列表模版,可以快速的添加一个列表,使用组装的方式构建Adapter,抽象Cell 角色,负责创建ViewHolder,绑定数据和逻辑处理。Cell为一个独立的组件。
BindingSimple API implement DataBinding and ViewBinding. 简单的 API 实现 DataBinding 和 ViewBinding,欢迎 star
EasyadapterAndroid 轻量级适配器,简化使用,适应所有的AbsListView、RecyclerView。支持HeaderView与FooterView~
Notzz App📝 A Simple Note-Taking App built to demonstrate the use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, State Flow, Hilt-Dependency Injection, Jetpack DataStore, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Material Design Components).
HfrecyclerviewAdd Header and/or Footer in your RecyclerView in the simplest way possible.