All Git Users → substrate-developer-hub

11 open source projects by substrate-developer-hub

1. Awesome Substrate
A curated list of awesome projects and resources related to the Substrate blockchain development framework.
2. Substrate Node Template
A new FRAME-based Substrate node, ready for hacking.
✭ 214
3. Recipes
A Hands-On Cookbook for Aspiring Blockchain Chefs
4. Substrate Front End Template
A Polkadot.js API + React based template for building Substrate Front Ends
✭ 91
5. substrate-proof-of-existence
Proof of Existence Blockchain built on Parity's Substrate
6. substrate-pallet-template
A template for creating pluggable pallets.
✭ 22
7. substrate-how-to-guides
Taking the best of Substrate Recipes and applying them to a new framework for structuring a collection of "how-to guides".
8. substrate-docs
Substrate Developer Hub. Substrate is powered by best in class cryptographic research and comes with peer to peer networking, consensus mechanisms, and much more.
9. pallet-did
A Substrate pallet for decentralized identifiers' (DIDs) management.
11. substrate-parachain-template
A new Cumulus-based Substrate node, ready for hacking.
1-11 of 11 user projects