Awesome SubstrateA curated list of awesome projects and resources related to the Substrate blockchain development framework.
IrohaIroha - A simple, enterprise-grade decentralized ledger
Sofa JraftA production-grade java implementation of RAFT consensus algorithm.
Bismuth[Migrated] The first Python blockchain protocol and platform
AtomixA reactive Java framework for building fault-tolerant distributed systems
FabricHyperledger Fabric is an enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger framework for developing solutions and applications. Its modular and versatile design satisfies a broad range of industry use cases. It offers a unique approach to consensus that enables performance at scale while preserving privacy.
Verdi RaftAn implementation of the Raft distributed consensus protocol, verified in Coq using the Verdi framework
Swim JsJavaScript implementation of SWIM membership protocol
Tinychain[WIP] A tiny blockchain supporting free transactions and state transition experimentally.
Vrf.jsA pure Javascript Implementation of Verifiable Random Functions
ZattPython implementation of the Raft algorithm for distributed consensus
BifrostPure rust building block for distributed systems
X0Xzero HTTP Application Server
TrepangTrepang is an implementation of Raft Algorithm in Go
YaraftYet Another RAFT implementation
Ouroboros NetworkAn implementation of the Ouroboros family of consensus algorithms, with its networking support
EtcdDistributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system
WpaxosA production-grade java implementation of paxos consensus algorithm
LibraryCollection of papers in the field of distributed systems, game theory, cryptography, cryptoeconomics, zero knowledge
TikvDistributed transactional key-value database, originally created to complement TiDB
PaxosstorePaxosStore has been deployed in WeChat production for more than two years, providing storage services for the core businesses of WeChat backend. Now PaxosStore is running on thousands of machines, and is able to afford billions of peak TPS.
SkinnyThe Skinny Distributed Lock Service
CitaA high performance blockchain kernel for enterprise users.
RqliteThe lightweight, distributed relational database built on SQLite
Chainspace PrototypeChainspace is a distributed ledger platform for high-integrity and transparent processing of transactions within a decentralized system.
Consensus Yaraftconsensus-yaraft is a library for distributed, strong consistent, highly replicated log storage. It's based on yaraft, which is an implementation of the Raft protocol.
GroupthinkA collaborative democratic platform built atop GitHub, designed for open policymaking and manifesto writing.
Abci HostClojure host/server for Tendermint's ABCI protocol.
HraftdA reference use of Hashicorp's Raft implementation
CopycatA novel implementation of the Raft consensus algorithm
Async RaftAn implementation of the Raft distributed consensus protocol using the Tokio framework.
ElleThe Elle coroutine-based asynchronous C++ development framework.
RatisOpen source Java implementation for Raft consensus protocol.
NuraftC++ implementation of Raft core logic as a replication library
QuorumA permissioned implementation of Ethereum supporting data privacy
Go SpacemeshGo Implementation of the Spacemesh protocol full node. 💾⏰💪
RaftRaft Consensus Algorithm
DragonboatDragonboat is a high performance multi-group Raft consensus library in pure Go.
HarmonyThe core protocol of harmony
JsGryadka is a minimalistic master-master replicated consistent key-value storage based on the CASPaxos protocol
Hbbft An implementation of the paper "Honey Badger of BFT Protocols" in Rust. This is a modular library of consensus.
FloydA raft consensus implementation that is simply and understandable
raft-rocksA simple database based on raft and rocksdb
FISCO-BCOSFISCO BCOS是由微众牵头的金链盟主导研发、对外开源、安全可控的企业级金融区块链底层技术平台。 单链配置下,性能TPS可达万级。提供群组架构、并行计算、分布式存储、可插拔的共识机制、隐私保护算法、支持全链路国密算法等诸多特性。 经过多个机构、多个应用,长时间在生产环境中的实践检验,具备金融级的高性能、高可用性及高安全性。FISCO BCOS is a secure and reliable financial-grade open-source blockchain platform. The platform provides rich features including group architecture, cross-chain communication protoc…
raftraft is a golang library that provides a simple, clean, and idiomatic implementation of the Raft consensus protocol
AlephBFTRust implementation of Aleph consensus protocol