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Top 617 tailwindcss open source projects

Tailwind CSS as a templating language in JS and CSS-in-JS
Hugo Eureka
Eureka is a feature-rich and highly customizable Hugo theme.
Nextjs Starter
A starter project for next js with authentication - Contains React 17 + Typescript + Tailwind CSS 2 + React Query 3 + GitHub Auth + LinkedIn Auth + Password-less Auth + Fauna DB
Tailwindcss Aspect Ratio
Aspect Ratio Plugin for tailwindcss framework
Reactive Resume
A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. Try it out today!
Vite Vue3 Tailwind Starter
Vite 2.x + Vue 3.x + Tailwind 2.x (starter) ⚡
Tailwind React Ui
React utility component primitives & UI framework for use with Tailwind CSS
Next Startd
⚡ Free Next.js landing page template for SaaS products, online services and more.
Tailwindcss Typography
Tailwind CSS plugin to generate typography utilities and text style components
Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel built with PHP 7, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodactyl runs all game servers in isolated Docker containers while exposing a beautiful and intuitive UI to end users.
🛩 🧶 Dashboard template built with tailwindcss.
Svelte Storybook Tailwind
A starter template for Svelte, TailwindCSS and Storybook. You can easily start your project with this template, instead of wasting time figuring out configurations for each integration.
Wp Tailwindcss Theme Boilerplate
A minimalist boilerplate for WordPress theme development using Tailwind CSS, SCSS, and Laravel Mix.
Tailwindcss Transitions
[DEPRECATED] Tailwind CSS plugin to generate transition utilities
Tailwindcss Gradients
Tailwind CSS plugin to generate gradient background utilities
My Dash
🔢 A developer friendly dashboard for monitoring your self-hosted services with a clean and modern UI.
Hugo Theme Tailwindcss Starter
Starter files for a Hugo theme with Tailwindcss
Gridsome Starter Bleda
Gridsome blog starter, built with Tailwind CSS
📈 League of Legends Stats Web App
Vue Tailwind Picker
🎉 Datepicker component for vue.js build with Tailwind CSS & dayjs date library
Sketch Tailwind
A plugin that tries to bridge the gap between designs and code. Sketch Tailwind lets you export aspects of a design made in Sketch to a javascript theme file that you can import into your TailwindCSS config
Tailwindcss Spinner
Spinner utility for Tailwind CSS
Tailwindcss Figma Plugin
Figma Plugin for TailwindCSS
Tails Ui
🐒 Clean UI based on tailwindcss
Admin Template
Tailwind CSS Starter Template - Admin Dashboard Template
Tailwind Cards
A growing collection of text/image cards you can use/copy-paste in your tailwind css projects
Pingcrm React
⚛️ Ping CRM React - A demo app to illustrate how Inertia.js works with Laravel and React (hosted on a heroku free dyno).
A modern and production-ready personal portfolio + blog template built with GatsbyJs and TailwindCSS
Tailwindcss Dir
Adds direction (LTR, RTL) variants to your Tailwind project
Vue Cli Plugin Tailwind
vue-cli plugin for Tailwind CSS
React Webpack 5 Tailwind 2
React 17 Boilerplate with Webpack 5, Tailwind 2, using babel, SASS/PostCSS, HMR, dotenv and an optimized production build
📖 Documentation for Windi CSS
Generate responsive pages and apps on HTML, Tailwind, Flutter and SwiftUI.
Tailwindcss Filters
Tailwind CSS plugin to generate filter and backdrop filter utilities
React Laravel Boilerplate
A Laravel REST API backend with React/Redux, hot module reloading in development and route-level code splitting
Notus Svelte
Notus Svelte: Free Tailwind CSS UI Kit and Admin
11st Starter Kit
11ty, powered by Snowpack with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js.
Wp Tailwind
A WordPress starter theme that utilizes Tailwind + PurgeCSS.
Basic UI components for Tailwind CSS.
A utility-first CSS-in-JS framework built for React. 💅👩‍🎤⚡️
Codrops Libre
A reponsive single page app template for collection management projects
TailwindCSS based personal branding template. Built with react and framer-motion
Fully responsive and beautiful HTML components made with VueJS and TailwindCSS.
Todolist Frontend Vuejs
Front-end application for Todolist Web application built with Laravel and Vue.js
Eleventy Starter
ARCHIVED: An Eleventy starting point with Tailwind and Svelte preconfigured.
Tailwindcss Rtl
Enabling bidirectional support on tailwindcss framework
Tailwindcss Grid
Brings grid support to Tailwind CSS
Vue Telescope Analyzer
Detect Vue technologies running on a website ✨
React Native Design Utility
Utility for building design system in react-native. Idea from TailwindCSS
It‘s (j)ust (e)leventy and (t)ailwind … OK, and a few other things; it‘s still *really* small though.
Sapper Firebase Typescript Graphql Tailwindcss Actions Template
A template that includes Sapper for Svelte, Firebase functions and hosting, TypeScript and TypeGraphQL, Tailwind CSS, ESLint, and automatic building and deployment with GitHub Actions
Subscribe to my YouTube channel: - Building Instagram Using React
Saas Vuejs Tailwindcss
VueJS + TailwindCSS frontend for SaaS apps.
1-60 of 617 tailwindcss projects