All Git Users → tpope

63 open source projects by tpope

1. Git Bump
Create Git release commits and tags with changelogs
✭ 243
2. Fivemat
MiniTest/RSpec/Cucumber formatter that gives each test file its own line of dots
✭ 237
3. Vim Fugitive
fugitive.vim: A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
✭ 15,291
Vim Script
4. Vim Unimpaired
unimpaired.vim: Pairs of handy bracket mappings
✭ 2,707
Vim Script
5. Vim Rake
rake.vim: it's like rails.vim without the rails
✭ 220
6. Vim Flagship
flagship.vim: Configurable and extensible tab line and status line
✭ 216
7. Vim Characterize
characterize.vim: Unicode character metadata
✭ 209
8. Gem Browse
gem edit, gem open, gem clone, gem browse
✭ 206
9. Vim Dispatch
dispatch.vim: Asynchronous build and test dispatcher
10. Vim Salve
salve.vim: static support for Leiningen and Boot
✭ 181
11. Vim Apathy
apathy.vim: Set the 'path' option for miscellaneous file types
✭ 170
12. Vim Dadbod
dadbod.vim: Modern database interface for Vim
✭ 2,230
Vim Script
13. Vim Abolish
abolish.vim: easily search for, substitute, and abbreviate multiple variants of a word
✭ 2,135
Vim Script
14. Vim Pathogen
pathogen.vim: manage your runtimepath
✭ 11,776
Vim Script
15. Vim Repeat
repeat.vim: enable repeating supported plugin maps with "."
✭ 2,006
Vim Script
16. Vim Afterimage
afterimage.vim: edit binary files by converting them to text equivalents
✭ 148
17. Rbenv Ctags
Automatically generate ctags for rbenv Ruby stdlibs
✭ 144
18. Vim Vinegar
vinegar.vim: Combine with netrw to create a delicious salad dressing
✭ 1,868
Vim Script
19. Vim Fireplace
fireplace.vim: Clojure REPL support
20. Rbenv Aliases
Create aliases for rbenv Ruby versions
✭ 124
21. Vim Rvm
rvm.vim: Switch Ruby versions from inside Vim
✭ 117
22. Rbenv Communal Gems
Share gems across multiple rbenv Ruby installs
✭ 114
23. Vim Liquid
Vim Liquid runtime files with Jekyll enhancements
✭ 108
24. Rumember
Remember The Milk Ruby API and command line interface
✭ 101
25. Vim Capslock
capslock.vim: Software caps lock
✭ 96
26. Vim Eunuch
eunuch.vim: Helpers for UNIX
✭ 1,339
27. Vim Surround
surround.vim: Delete/change/add parentheses/quotes/XML-tags/much more with ease
✭ 10,141
Vim Script
28. Vim Heroku
heroku.vim: Heroku CLI wrapper
✭ 89
29. Vim Obsession
obsession.vim: continuously updated session files
✭ 1,184
30. Vim Sleuth
sleuth.vim: Heuristically set buffer options
✭ 1,117
31. Vim Markdown
Vim Markdown runtime files
✭ 1,053
32. Heroku Remote
Commands for working with (multiple) Heroku remotes
✭ 27
33. Vim Flatfoot
flatfoot.vim: experimental enhancement of "f" and "t" keys
✭ 23
34. Vim Endwise
endwise.vim: wisely add "end" in ruby, endfunction/endif/more in vim script, etc
✭ 908
35. Vim Projectionist
projectionist.vim: Granular project configuration
✭ 799
36. Vim Speeddating
speeddating.vim: use CTRL-A/CTRL-X to increment dates, times, and more
✭ 652
37. Timl
Clojure like language which compiles down to VimL
✭ 622
38. Vim Haml
Vim runtime files for Haml, Sass, and SCSS
✭ 586
39. Heroku Fucking Console
When I run heroku console, I want a fucking console, dammit
✭ 564
40. Vim Rhubarb
rhubarb.vim: GitHub extension for fugitive.vim
✭ 543
41. Vim Git
Vim Git runtime files
✭ 539
42. Tpope
tpope's dotfiles. here be dragons
✭ 519
43. Vim Scriptease
scriptease.vim: A Vim plugin for Vim plugins
✭ 511
44. Hookup
Automate the bundle/migration tedium of Rails with Git hooks
✭ 463
45. Vim Sensible
sensible.vim: Defaults everyone can agree on
✭ 4,474
Vim Script
46. Vim Rsi
rsi.vim: Readline style insertion
✭ 433
47. Vim Rails
rails.vim: Ruby on Rails power tools
✭ 3,886
Vim Script
48. Vim Commentary
commentary.vim: comment stuff out
✭ 4,337
Vim Script
49. Gem Ctags
Automatic ctags generation on gem install
✭ 377
50. Gem Shut The Fuck Up
✭ 370
1-50 of 63 user projects