All Git Users → uber-go

20 open source projects by uber-go

1. Config
Configuration for Go applications
2. Cadence Client
Framework for authoring workflows and activities running on top of the Cadence orchestration engine.
3. Kafka Client
Go client library for Apache Kafka
✭ 210
4. Ratelimit
A Golang blocking leaky-bucket rate limit implementation
✭ 2,771
5. Dosa
DOSA is a data object abstraction layer
6. Zap
Blazing fast, structured, leveled logging in Go.
7. Fx
A dependency injection based application framework for Go.
8. Dig
A reflection based dependency injection toolkit for Go.
9. Goleak
Goroutine leak detector
✭ 2,280
10. Sally
A tiny HTTP server for supporting custom Golang import paths
✭ 91
11. Automaxprocs
Automatically set GOMAXPROCS to match Linux container CPU quota.
12. Guide
The Uber Go Style Guide.
13. Tools
A collection of golang tools used at Uber
✭ 50
14. Hackeroni
A Go API client for HackerOne (
✭ 38
15. Atomic
Wrapper types for sync/atomic which enforce atomic access
✭ 682
16. Tally
A Go metrics interface with fast buffered metrics and third party reporters
✭ 467
17. Multierr
Combine one or more Go errors together
18. gopatch
Refactoring and code transformation tool for Go.
19. mapdecode
Implement YAML/JSON decoding in one place.
20. flagoverride
An automatic way of creating command line options to override fields from a struct.
✭ 20
1-20 of 20 user projects