21 open source projects by vic

1. Params
Easy parameters validation/casting with Ecto.Schema, akin to Rails' strong parameters.
2. Expat
Reusable, composable patterns across Elixir libraries
3. Rebecca Theme
The purple turtle theme for Spacemacs
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4. Ok jose
Pipe elixir functions that match ok/error tuples or custom patterns.
5. Typhon
Snakes on rbx-head. A Python implementation for the Rubinius VM
6. Spec
Data specification conformance and generation for Elixir
7. Color Theme Buffer Local
Set emacs color themes by buffer.
8. Happy
the alchemist's happy path with elixir
9. Asdf Ocaml
OCaml plugin for ASDF version manager
10. heroku-buildpack-nim
Deploy nim applications to heroku.
11. comeonin ecto password
Ecto type for saving encrypted passwords using Comeonin
12. pipe here
An Elixir macro for easily piping arguments at any position.
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13. mix under
Execute mix tasks under Elixir umbrella applications
14. sube
Web-based Subtitle Editor.
16. prefix-css
Prefix all rules from a css-file with a namespace selector.
17. NoR
There's No Return. A javascript reactive programming engine.
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18. asdf-elm
elm version manager plugin for asdf.
19. deco
Minimalist Function Decorators for Elixir
20. indifferent
Elixir Indifferent access on maps/lists/tuples with custom key transforms.
21. phoenix now
Example Phoenix deployment to Zeist Now.
1-21 of 21 user projects