Top 16 mix open source projects

☄️ PHP CLI mode development framework, supports Swoole, WorkerMan, FPM, CLI-Server / PHP 命令行模式开发框架,支持 Swoole、WorkerMan、FPM、CLI-Server
Helper plugin for Laravel Mix in Craft CMS templates
A simple, fast, clean but powerful free and open source DJ app that support 2 sound cards!
Vim plugin for using Elixir's build tool, mix
mix test interactive
Interactive watch mode for Elixir's mix test.
mix script
A build tool which allows you to use mix packages in an elixir script
mix gleam
⚗️ Build Gleam code with mix
mix under
Execute mix tasks under Elixir umbrella applications
elixir auto complete
Bash Autocompletion for elixir, iex and mix
iOS工程混淆器是围绕混淆iOS代码过审上架为目标构建出来的 Mac 软件。为应对苹果『4.3-代码重复条款』和『2.1条款』,混淆器通过内置苹果应用分类相关的百万词库修改工程中的文件/目录名、变量属性名和方法名、修改资源的hash、注入强关系强调用的方法代码,注入有调用关系的混淆类文件等手段达到大幅提高马甲包过审率的目的。除此之外,软件内置了一键提交审核、实时查看app的审核状态并嵌入了几个开发效率工具如本地化工具、提取Assets资源、替换AppIcon等。(另外:我们提供马甲包开发、tf签名等服务,有意请🤙 联系QQ:2480619280)
ShipIt automates Hex package publishing to avoid common mistakes
mix systemd
Library of mix tasks to generate a systemd unit file for an Elixir project
mix unused
Find unused functions in your project
1-16 of 16 mix projects