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Top 20 call-for-code open source projects

A server and mobile app to send pictures of vehicle damage to IBM Watson Visual Recognition for classification
Example Quiz app using Loopback and React
Introduction to OpenEEW, an open-source Earthquake Early-Warning toolkit
A Jupyter notebook using some standard techniques for data science and data engineering to analyze data for the 2017 flooding in Houston, TX.
The app you build in this tutorial will enable instructors to provide additional notes to students who are using video and audio tools as their primary way to learn.
2021 Call for Code Global Challenge solution starter kit: Clean water and sanitation.
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository, which contains assets to run a Hyperledger Composer application, is not being actively maintained due to a shift to focus on Hyperledger Fabric. This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.
This repository links to projects created as part of Call for Code activities, including those that are not officially hosted by The Linux Foundation.
Spot-Challenge-Wildfires - predict the wildfire/bushfire area for 7 regions in Australia for each day in February 2021
Former repository for Prometeo, winner of the Call for Code 2019 Global Challenge, open sourced as Pyrrha (see links within this repo). It measures toxin exposure in real time and analyzes trends over time.
The following journey will introduce the available Banking APIs published on IBM Cloud with logical business programs running on the IBM Z Mainframe through a simulated retail bank called MPLbank.
Develop a fully featured Node.js web app built on the Watson Discovery Service
Create and deploy a predictive model using Watson Studio and Watson Machine Learning
Materials for the Call for Code 2020 solution starter kit for community collaboration in the context of COVID-19.
Use deep learning to create a model and a REST endpoint to allow your app to detect, locate and count your product on store shelves
Dashboards for monitoring devices, events, users, data and more. Built on Carbon and React.
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated.
2021 Call for Code Global Challenge solution starter kit: Zero hunger.
1-20 of 20 call-for-code projects