Top 39 watson open source projects

Chatbot Watson Android
An Android ChatBot powered by Watson Services - Assistant, Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech on IBM Cloud.
Build chatbots and conversational experiences using React
Watson is the fastest, easiest way to build scalable RESTful web servers and services in C#.
Searching for the occurrence seconds of words/phrases or arbitrary regex patterns within audio files
Node Red Node Watson
A collection of nodes for the IBM Watson services
✭ 74
Nlc Icd10 Classifier
A simple web app that shows how Watson's Natural Language Classifier (NLC) can classify ICD-10 code. The app is written in Python using the Flask framework and leverages the Watson Developer Cloud Python SDK
An Android ChatBot powered by IBM Watson Services (Assistant V1, Text-to-Speech, and Speech-to-Text with Speaker Recognition) on IBM Cloud.
Laravel Personality Insights
👩 👱 Using IBM Watson Personality Insights Service with Laravel 5
Alexa prompts the user how his/her day is going, then depending on the sentiment expressed by the user, it produces a list of regularly-updated Spotify playlists tailored to his/her mood
Fabric for Deep Learning (FfDL, pronounced fiddle) is a Deep Learning Platform offering TensorFlow, Caffe, PyTorch etc. as a Service on Kubernetes
Awesome Qa
😎 A curated list of the Question Answering (QA)
Unity Sdk
🎮 Unity SDK to use the IBM Watson services.
Visual Recognition Coreml
Classify images offline using Watson Visual Recognition and Core ML
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Autoedit 2
Fast text based video editing, node Electron Os X desktop app, with Backbone front end.
A server and mobile app to send pictures of vehicle damage to IBM Watson Visual Recognition for classification
A Jupyter notebook that uses the Watson Visual Recognition and Natural Language Understanding services to enrich Facebook Analytics and uses Cognos Dashboard Embedded to explore and visualize the results in Watson Studio
A Watson powered conversational bot for small businesses
DEPRECATED: this repo is no longer actively maintained
🕶 Classify images offline using Watson Visual Recognition and Core ML.
A simple C# async websocket server and client for reliable transmission and receipt of data
Analyzing SMS offers for domain specific entities using Watson Knowledge Studio and Watson's Natural Language Understanding
♦️ Ruby SDK to use the IBM Watson services.
IBM Covid19 Watson FR
Contenu d'entrainement d'un Bot Covid19 pour Watson Assistant en français et allemand.
Winning ChatBot in the IBM ChatBot competition. A ChatBot for a bank
NLP benchmark test sentences and full results
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated.
A simple C# class using Watson TCP to enable a one-to-one high availability cluster.
Movie Recommendation Chatbot provides information about a movie like plot, genre, revenue, budget, imdb rating, imdb links, etc. The model was trained with Kaggle’s movies metadata dataset. To give a recommendation of similar movies, Cosine Similarity and TFID vectorizer were used. Slack API was used to provide a Front End for the chatbot. IBM W…
Combine Watson Knowledge Studio and Watson Discovery to discover customer sentiment from product reviews
1-39 of 39 watson projects