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Top 11 glob-pattern open source projects

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A tool to test globs against sets of test strings quickly and easily for the DigitalOcean Community.
Return true if a value is a valid glob pattern string, or array of glob patterns.
file globbing for node.js. speedy and powerful alternative to node-glob. This library is experimental and does not work on windows!
Create a matching function from a glob pattern, regex, string, array or function.
📂 Take a list of glob patterns and return an array of file locations, respecting `.gitignore` and allowing for ignore patterns via `package.json`.
Make a glob pattern absolute, ensuring that negative globs and patterns with trailing slashes are correctly handled.
Run browserify and watchify with globs - even on Windows!
Implements the wildcard file matching in Go used by golint, go test etc.
Glob matching with support for multiple patterns and negation. Use `~` in cwd to find files in user home, or `@` for global npm modules.
1-11 of 11 glob-pattern projects