NodeNode.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨
Nvm WindowsA node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go.
Express Mongoose Es6 Rest Api💥 A boilerplate application for building RESTful APIs Microservice in Node.js using express and mongoose in ES6 with code coverage and JsonWebToken Authentication
Http Fake BackendBuild a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
BarrelsbyAutomatic TypeScript barrels (index.ts files) for your entire code base
HyperType-safe, statically checked composition of HTTP servers
Node Wifi📶 NodeJS tool to manage wifi (connections, scans)
Nano🎯 SSR first, lightweight 1kB JSX library.
Vue Videovue + vue-router + vuex + (fetch->axios)
ReleaseNode.js Release Working Group
Generator Api🚀 Yeoman generator for creating RESTful NodeJS APIs, using ES6, Mongoose and Express
EshopEshop + Content Management System (CMS) written in Node.js / Total.js.
Kickthemout💣 Kick devices off your network by performing an ARP Spoof attack with Node.js.
Await Ofawait wrapper for easier errors handling without try-catch
PopsicleSimple HTTP requests for node and the browser
Ppspiderweb spider built by puppeteer, support task-queue and task-scheduling by decorators,support nedb / mongodb, support data visualization; 基于puppeteer的web爬虫框架,提供灵活的任务队列管理调度方案,提供便捷的数据保存方案(nedb/mongodb),提供数据可视化和用户交互的实现方案
Semana Js Expert30Aulas da Semana JS Expert 3.0 - Construindo um chat multiplataforma usando linha de comando e JavaScript Avançado
InertStatic file and directory handlers for hapi.js
ShunterA Node.js application built to read JSON and translate it into HTML
Azure Event Hubs☁️ Cloud-scale telemetry ingestion from any stream of data with Azure Event Hubs
Jd Happy[DEPRECATED]Node 爬虫,监控京东商品到货,并实现下单服务
EvangelismLetting the world know how awesome Node.js is and how to get involved!
NodehunThe Hunspell binding for NodeJS that exposes as much of Hunspell as possible and also adds new features. Hunspell is a first class spellcheck library used by Google, Apple, and Mozilla.
Clone DeepRecursively (deep) clone JavaScript native types, like Object, Array, RegExp, Date as well as primitives. Used by superstruct, merge-deep, and many others!
Stdlib✨ Standard library for JavaScript and Node.js. ✨
Wl Mfe基于vue3+koa2+qiankun2的微前端后台管理系统项目实战
BlogIt's my personal blog
Lwt NodeReason Implementation of Node.js API ✨🏎🚀✨
Speakeasy**NOT MAINTAINED** Two-factor authentication for Node.js. One-time passcode generator (HOTP/TOTP) with support for Google Authenticator.
ReadmeAutomatically generate a beautiful best-practice README file based on the contents of your repository
Blockly SamplesPlugins, codelabs, and examples related to the Blockly library.
Abi Stable NodeRepository used by the Node-API team to manage work related to Node-API and node-addon-api
Opendrinks🍸 Open Source Drinks! Add your own recipe in a pull request! Inspired by 🎃Hacktoberfest!