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Alfred SearchioAlfred workflow to auto-suggest search results from multiple search engines and languages.
Instantsearch.js⚡️ A JavaScript library for building performant and instant search experiences with Algolia.
Ajax Live SearchAJAX Live Search is a PHP search form that similar to Google Autocomplete feature displays the result as you type.
JinaCloud-native neural search framework for 𝙖𝙣𝙮 kind of data
Place Search DialogA place autocomplete search dialog which uses Google's places API for finding results.
Persistent Search ViewAn Android library designed to simplify the process of implementing search-related functionality.
ElastixA simple Elasticsearch REST client written in Elixir.
Search OmnifocusAlfred workflow that allows free text searching of OmniFocus tasks
AmberA code search / replace tool
Grabexperimental and very fast implementation of a grep
Engine ModeMinor mode for defining and querying search engines through Emacs.
ScoperFuzzy and semantic search for captioned YouTube videos.
SitedorksSearch Google/Bing/Ecosia/DuckDuckGo/Yandex/Yahoo for a search term with a default set of websites, bug bounty programs or a custom collection.
Search Engine ParserLightweight package to query popular search engines and scrape for result titles, links and descriptions
FuzzysortFast SublimeText-like fuzzy search for JavaScript.
TldrstoryAI-powered understanding of headlines and story text
ScoutRESTful search server written in Python, powered by SQLite.
TntsearchA fully featured full text search engine written in PHP
Algoliasearch NetlifyOfficial Algolia Plugin for Netlify. Index your website to Algolia when deploying your project to Netlify with the Algolia Crawler
Nix IndexQuickly locate nix packages with specific files
VectoraiVector AI — A platform for building vector based applications. Encode, query and analyse data using vectors.
Vue Cool SelectSelect with autocomplete, slots, bootstrap and material design themes.
Textrank🌀 ⚡️ 🌍 TextRank (automatic text summarization) for PHP8
JsearchjSearch(聚搜) 是一款专注内容的chrome搜索扩展,一次搜索聚合多平台内容。
Lolcate RsLolcate -- A comically fast way of indexing and querying your filesystem. Replaces locate / mlocate / updatedb. Written in Rust.
Fuse🔍 Fuzzy search for PHP based on the Bitap algorithm
Voice Overlay Android🗣 An overlay that gets your user’s voice permission and input as text in a customizable UI
Laravel Cross Eloquent SearchLaravel package to search through multiple Eloquent models. Supports sorting, pagination, scoped queries, eager load relationships and searching through single or multiple columns.
Search widgetFlutter package: Search Widget for selecting an option from a data list.
Atom Todo ShowAtom package that shows a list of todos from your project.
PhpgrepSyntax-aware grep for PHP code.
Vim AgsSilver searcher plugin for vim
Njtnjt (npm jump to): a quick navigation tool for npm packages
McflyFly through your shell history. Great Scott!
LookingglassIntuitive and configurable search interface for document archives.
SearchviewThis a view that waiting for network connection to resolve with cool animation .
Emoji💌 Find the emoji that echoes your mind.
JkesA search framework and multi-tenant search platform based on java, kafka, kafka connect, elasticsearch
KeyviKeyvi - a key value index that powers Cliqz search engine. It is an in-memory FST-based data structure highly optimized for size and lookup performance.
RusticsearchLightweight Elasticsearch compatible search server.
MuzonchikiOS Music App that let you search, download and play music
Tachyons Tldrquick lookup for tachyon classes, scales and colour palette