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Top 100 magento2-module open source projects

Google XML Sitemap for Magento 2 helps Google search bots find all every corner on your website to index, bring in potential benefits for your SEO strategy. Also, the HTML sitemap will help users more easily search for information on your site than only use Magento default.
Magento 2 Grid Colors module for colorizing admin grids. Supports saving of states with the help of grid's bookmarks.
The DisableTwoFactorAuth module provides the ability to disable two-factor authentication.
A module for Magento 2 to add access control restrictions to the cache management.
The SimpleData module simplifies calling Magento data structures.
Add a free shipping eligibility progress bar to your Magento 2 websites cart to promote increased order value.
Vatfallback module provides an extra API based validation and a fallback offline regex validation for the unstable VIES database used by Magento
This extension adds console commands to be able to regenerate; a product rewrite URL based on its url path; a category rewrite URL based on its url path; a category URL path based on its URL key and its parent categories.
A VIP Membership extension for Magento 2
Magento2 module for handling Varnish cache (flushing, regenerating)
Magento 2 module which can find potential url related problems in your catalog data
Este repositório permite a discussão da comunidade brasileira Magento sobre módulos e soluções para o mercado brasileiro.
Yireo AutoFlushCache
Magento 2 module to automatically flush the cache whenever you save something in the System Configuration
Highly Customizable Checkout for Magento 2, Built with React.
Magento 2 Reports extension Free from Mageplaza helps stores quickly access to advanced reports on Dashboard. As your shop grows, so is the amount of numbers you have to deal with everyday. Eventually, it would reach a point where you find yourself in dire need of a tool that can take care of the figures for you.
Yireo DisableLog2
Magento 2 module to disable customer logging
61-100 of 100 magento2-module projects