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Top 124 currency open source projects

Python price handling for humans.
Jsr354 Ri
JSR 354 - Moneta: Reference Implementation
0xcert Framework - JavaScript framework for building decentralized applications - build something unique
Currency Cop
👮💸 Currency Cop is the net worth calculator for Path of Exile
DEPRECATED Tool for Path of Exile that calculates net worth and tracks gear, maps and other statistics for you and your group
Uniswap Python
🦄 The unofficial Python client for the Uniswap exchange.
Asynchronous event I/O driven quantitative trading framework.
React Currency Input
React component for inputing currency amounts
Asynchronous driven quantitative trading framework.
Cash Cli
💰💰 Convert currency rates directly from your terminal!
Jackson Datatype Money
Extension module to properly support datatypes of
A javascript library for handling currencies
Decimal for cpp
Decimal data type for C++
✭ 159
Ng Currency
Currency with AngularJS made easy!
Library for operating with monetary values in JavaScript and Typescript 💵
Django Prices
Django fields for the prices module
Cryptocurrency Portfolio
Google Sheets automatic creation with Google Apps Script (GAS) for managing a cryptocurrency tracking spreadsheet with multi exchanges
🏢 Currency exchange rates framework for PHP
💱 Currency data API
Sample Currency Converter
A sample currency conversion Progressive Web App
Javascript Number Formatter
Lightweight & Fast JavaScript Number Formatter
CLI utility for everyday tasks. With getme you get weather, forecast, currency rate, upload files, IP address, word definitions, text translations, internet speed, do google searches, get inspirational quotes and get Chuck Norris jokes
💰 📈 A foreign exchange rates and currency conversion using CLI
Nanocurrency Js
🔗 A toolkit for the Nano cryptocurrency, allowing you to derive keys, generate seeds, hashes, signatures, proofs of work and blocks.
Handles currency calculations, storage etc
A beautiful currency conversion app written in Kotlin and using Anko. Supports multi-theme with dynamic switching effect.
Javamoney Lib
JavaMoney financial libraries, extending and complementing JSR 354
Cromos is a tool for downloading legitimate extensions of the Chrome Web Store and inject codes in the background of the application.
BitCore (BTX) - Cryptocurrency 220 Byte Datacarriersize
Money Open Exchange Rates
A gem that calculates the exchange rate using published rates from open-exchange-rates. Compatible with the money gem.
Openwallet Android
The first truly free, libre, and open source light wallet for multiple cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, etc).
Countries - ISO 3166 (ISO3166-1, ISO3166, Digit, Alpha-2 and Alpha-3) countries codes and names (on eng and rus), ISO 4217 currency designators, ITU-T E.164 IDD calling phone codes, countries capitals, UN M.49 regions codes, ccTLD countries domains, IOC/NOC and FIFA letters codes, VERY FAST, NO maps[], NO slices[], NO init() funcs, NO external links/files/data, NO interface{}, NO specific dependencies, Databases/JSON/GOB/XML/CSV compatible, Emoji countries flags and currencies support, full support ISO-3166-1, ISO-4217, ITU-T E.164, Unicode CLDR and ccTLD standarts.
Utilities for doing currency conversion with the Money library
💱 Currency exchange rates library
📈 💰 A golang interface for the Open Exchange Rates API
Android Money
Simple money and currency converter library for android.
Php Forex Quotes
PHP Library for fetching realtime forex quotes.
A Cryptocurrency/Blockchain wallet app based on React Native
A new decentralised, open source, community driven digital currency, focusing on e-commerce utility
Laravel Cconverter
A simple currency converter plugin for Laravel 5. Currency providers: The European Central Bank, OpenExchange, CurrencyLayer and
React Currency Formatter
💵 react component for currency formatting
Digital Currency
Create your own Digital Currency with this self-hosted Web App. Check out the Demo website
Short python framework that dynamically displays and converts the cryptocurrencies in your Kraken wallet into equivalents fiat money.
A money and currency library for PHP
Simple currency converter. Insert an amount, what currency to convert from and what currency to convert to.
Go Money
Go implementation of Fowler's Money pattern
A precise, type-safe representation of a monetary amount in a given currency
Country Json
A simple data of the world by country each in JSON format.
Java Concurrency Progamming Tutorial
BAT华为大厂一线工程师四年磨一剑精心编排 Java 高并发编程案例代码 & 教程 & 面试题集锦。详细文档讲解请阅读本人的知识库仓:
Laravel Money
Laravel Money.
Create, calculate, and format money in JavaScript and TypeScript.
A Python Finance Library that focuses on the pricing and risk-management of Financial Derivatives, including fixed-income, equity, FX and credit derivatives.
Forex Python
Foreign exchange rates, Bitcoin price index and currency conversion using
PHP implementation of Fowler's Money pattern.
Vue Numeric
Input field component to display a formatted currency value based on Vue.js
💸 Lightweight currency conversion library, successor of money.js
AKShare is an elegant and simple financial data interface library for Python, built for human beings! 开源财经数据接口库
1-60 of 124 currency projects