Top 4710 coffeescript open source projects

501. Plunker api
The public API off of which Plunker runs
502. Meteor Bender
Animations in page transitions
503. Slackbot Tutorial
Tutorial on how to write slack bots and scripts
504. Atom Simplified Chinese Menu
Atom 的简体中文汉化扩展,目前最全的汉化包。包含菜单汉化、右键菜单汉化以及设置汉化
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505. Walma
Collaborative Whiteboard
506. Node Llvm
LLVM bindings for Node.JS
507. Steroids Js
DEPRECATED PROJECT <> Steroids JavaScript Library
508. Language Gfm
GitHub Flavored Markdown in Atom
509. Status Bar
Status bar for Atom
510. React Responsive Grid
Power tools for building responsive layouts with React
511. Chromix Too
External access to Chrome's internal Javascript API.
512. Qqbot
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514. Tabs
Tabs in Atom
515. Node Sprite
A CSS Sprite Generation Library with Stylus and Retina Support.
516. Tabcordion
A jQuery plugin that transforms Bootstrap tabs to an accordion and vice versa. Useful for responsive mobile sites.
517. Gmailui
A GMail user interface library
518. Habitrpg Shared
Shared resources useful for multiple HabitRPG repositories. Assets (sprites, imgs, etc), CSS, algorithms, and more.
520. Shuvi
521. Japanese Wrap
Atom package extend word wrap for Japanese text.
522. Parrotjs
Browser features today. High-level wrapper for browser features.
523. Toptal Recommengine
Prototype recommendation engine built to accompany an article on Toptal Blog
524. React Droparea
Drag and Drop library for React
526. Tokoro
住所緯度経度変換ライブラリ (ジオコーディング)
527. Node Spritesheet
Sprite sheet generator for node.js and task for grunt.js
528. Node Pathwatcher
Path Watcher Node Module
529. Snippets
Amaze UI Snippets for Editor/IDE
530. Node Index
Append-only B+ Tree index for node.js
531. Atom
a <canvas> game framework that does as little as possible
532. Atom Rdio
Adds Rdio controls to Atom and displays the currently playing song in the status bar
533. Coffeekup
Markup as CoffeeScript.
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534. Kleks
Kleks - Pure CouchDB based CMS as a Couch App using Kanso with CoffeeScript and Stylus. Supports multi-site setup and Markdown authoring.
535. Particle Saga
A gallery for images and models rendered as particles with three.js
536. React Component Gallery
React component for creating an evenly spaced gallery of children components
538. Enfield
[Not Maintained!] Jekyll-like static site generator for node.js
539. Promoslide
jQuery plugin for promotional content that appears with user scrolling
540. Mixen
Combine Javascript classes on the fly
542. Ng Drum
AngularJS drum machine
543. Angular Webpack Example
This is sort of a shrine to what was cutting edge front-end in 2014. Simple template with webpack (run from gulp) that supports angular (from bower), with some common settings.
544. Jinora
Slack webhook app to create anonymous public channels
546. Hubot Fb
A Hubot adapter for the Facebook Messenger Platform
547. Cson
CoffeeScript-Object-Notation. Same as JSON but for CoffeeScript objects.
548. Mixin
Mixin.js is the 'reuse more' Javascript nano-framework. Stay DRY...mixin!
549. Agentscript0
Minimalist Agent Based Modeling (ABM) framework based on NetLogo
550. Node Xhr2
XMLHttpRequest emulator for node.js
501-550 of 4710 coffeescript projects