Top 702 processing open source projects

DAVILA is an open source relational database schema visualization and annotation tool. It is written in Processing using the toxiclibs physics library and released under the GPLv3.
502. Processing-to-Unity
Send the Processing screen buffer to other softwares (Currently support only to Unity3D 5+)
503. my personal robotic companion
504. git-annex-turtle
git-annex-turtle provides Apple Finder integration for git-annex on macOS, including custom badge icons, contextual menus and a Menubar icon. It is free, open-source and licensed under The MIT License.
505. 3D Island Generator In Processing
No description, website, or topics provided.
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506. nycturnstiles
Scripts that tinker with the MTA's turnstile data
507. Arduino-SVM
No description, website, or topics provided.
508. Osoyoo-development-kits
No description, website, or topics provided.
509. ArduinoParticles
Node.js + Canvas + Arduino + Javascript
510. aYearInCode
Population Study in Processing
511. Aprendiendo-Arduino
No description, website, or topics provided.
Contains files for Olimex Arduino-like boards with ATtiny85 - OLIMEXINO-85-ASM, OLIMEXINO-85-KIT, OLIMEXINO-85BC, OLIMEXINO-85S, and FOSDEM-85.
513. arduino-smart-robot-car
Source code to make smart robot car with Arduino Uno and Arduino Mega (IR RC + Bluetooth RC + Obstacle Avoidance + Line Tracking)
514. Homekit
Homekit for ESP32 with Arduino framework
515. BeatSaber-UnofficialTrackEditor
An experimental unofficial track editor for the VR game Beat Saber
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516. Delaunay
incremental Delaunay triangulation showcase for
517. artificial-life-teaching-materials
Lecture slides, exercises, assessments, exam questions for teachers and students of Artificial Life.
518. SolarConcentrator
Open Hardware Solar concentrator - Linear Fresnel Reflector
519. BalancingRobot
The algorithm for my balancing robot/segway
520. simple-openni
simple-openni by Max Rheiner for Processing 3
521. Processing PolarProjection
Render a map in polar projection from KML file and draw and label a set of markers.
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522. espardu devicex
Arduino style ESP project to control home automation devices
524. sensel-api-processing
Sensel API for Processing
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525. scribbleplot
collection of my processing sketches used for transforming images to scribbly vector images
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526. MoekadenRoom
No description, website, or topics provided.
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527. ANN Tutorial
An artificial neural network for creative coders
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528. OpenSprinkler-Arduino
Fork of OpenSprinkler using standard Arduino hardware
529. Robot-Soccer-2013
RoboCup Junior Soccer Robot sharing (CAD, Software, Electronics, materials and all stuff)
530. CS489-Design-Patterns
No description, website, or topics provided.
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531. LaserCutRecord
generate vector cutting paths from digital audio to make a working record
532. openair-violet
This is our first open hardware DACC machine
533. VinylGrooveShader
Vinyl record groove shader
534. PCdisplay
Экран с параметрами железа ПК и автоматический реобас
535. Processing Resolume FFT
Automatic VJ interface for FFT powered communication between Processing, Resolume Arena and a MIDI controller
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536. RPI-Pico-Cam
No description, website, or topics provided.
537. msp430-cc2500
CC2500 Radio Library
538. CLF-slides
Slideshows and sample code from classes, workshops, and talks by Code Liberation teachers!
539. cloudlamp
DIY cloud lamp project for
540. FordACP-AUX
Ford CD changer emulator with AUX playback control using Arduino UNO
541. WebMQonttrol
Web interface to view/set MQTT messages for home automation, using Node.js and
542. openclock
Open Clock: an open source hardware touchscreen digital clock
543. Pattern Master
No description, website, or topics provided.
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544. open-turbidimeter-project
A low-cost, open-source device to measure water quality.
545. raspberry-remote
Control remote plugs with the Raspberry Pi, features a webinterface. Uses RCSwitch and wiringPi.
546. Network-Visualization-Project
Network visualizer tool built using Processing
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547. simple-spectro
Very cheap, autonomous and precise spectrophotometer for DIY biology and chemistry.
548. ArduinoTechnoEduc
Educ portable version of Arduino IDE 1.8.19, with libraries special Education : for Scratch 2, specific shield, robots, Blockly@rduino, etc
549. freeIMU
The bzr export of the FreeIMU 4.0
550. homewatch
Using atmega AVR (Arduino UNO, Pollin NETIO) to log Energy Cost 3000 and TFA Dostmann temerature and humidity wireless messages
501-550 of 702 processing projects