Top 368 purescript open source projects

301. purescript-optlicative
applicative opt parsing for node
✭ 31
302. fluid
🐙 Code-generated, Auto-versioned, & Smart Web APIs
303. purescript-event
The Event type, extracted from purescript-behaviors
✭ 23
304. plutus-apps
The Plutus application platform
305. purescript-playwright
[WIP] PureScript bindings for Playwright
306. purescript-verbal-expressions
Purescript Regular expressions made easy
✭ 25
307. purescript-rxjs
An un-opinionated PureScript wrapper for RxJS v5.*
308. purescript-coroutines
Computations which can suspend their execution and return control to their invoker
309. purescript-email-validate
Validating an email address string against RFC 5322
310. purescript-tailrec
A type class which captures stack-safe monadic tail recursion
✭ 35
311. purescript-mote
Just a little spec(k).
✭ 14
312. purescript-graphics-vis
A library for interactively creating graphics visualizations
313. react-basic-starter
Starter application for purescript-react-basic
314. chanterelle
Chanterelle -- a more functional truffle
316. purescript-slug
Type-safe slugs for PureScript
317. purescript-spectacle-presentation
Presentation on using React Spectacle via Pux & PureScript
318. purescript-tidy
A syntax tidy-upper for PureScript.
319. purescript-reproducible
A short guide detailing how to bootstrap PureScript.
320. purescript-news
Aggregation of various PureScript news sources
322. rinn7e-halogen-starter
Opinionated Purescript Halogen Starter
323. purescript-elmish
A PureScript implementation of The Elm Architecture
324. purescript-react-basic-hooks
An implementation of React hooks on top of purescript-react-basic
326. purescript-webdriver
A PureScript interface to Selenium's Node Webdriver.
327. purescript-nix-bootstrap
Example project for developing PureScript projects with Nix
328. purescript-string-parsers
A parsing library specialized to handling strings
329. purescript
A strongly-typed language that compiles to JavaScript
330. purescript-serialized-actions
just an example of how simple ADTs should have JSON serialization and deserialization automatically derived
331. purescript-snap
An approach to user interfaces based in denotational design.
332. cryptokami-core
No description, website, or topics provided.
333. onyxite-customs
Toolkit for converting and building songs for Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Clone Hero, and other similar rhythm games
334. purescript-run-streaming
Streaming effects for PureScript
✭ 15
335. cardano-sl
Cryptographic currency implementing Ouroboros PoS protocol
337. purescript-language-cst-parser
PureScript CST Parser written in PureScript
338. purescript-tidy-codegen
Convenient codegen for PureScript
339. purescript-emo8
🍠 A functional 2D game engine that can create emoji games.
340. purescript-wai
Purescript Web Application Interface. Port of the Haskell WAI library.
341. purescript-ace
Purescript bindings for the Ace editor
342. purescript-bigints
Arbitrary length integers for PureScript
345. minichrome
A minimal web browser built for tiling window managers
346. purescript-web-html
Type definitions and low level interface implementations for the W3C HTML5 spec
347. purescript-aff-bus
Many-to-many broadcasting
349. psc-package2nix
Tool to derive a Nix expression from a psc-package.json configuration.
350. literate-purescript
literate-style programming for purescript
✭ 22
301-350 of 368 purescript projects