Top 763 scheme open source projects

251. live-bootstrap
Use of a Linux initramfs to fully automate the bootstrapping process
252. gstreamermm
Read-only mirror of
253. uscheme
Unlikely Scheme: A small Scheme interpreter
✭ 21
254. slideshow
No description or website provided.
255. R6RS-AD
Forward and Reverse Mode Automatic Differentiation (AD) in R6RS Scheme plus extensions to support nondeterministic and stochastic programming
✭ 35
256. snippet
gist不好在本地管理, 就新建个仓库来管理代码片段吧.
257. minimips
minikanren mips assembler/disassembler
✭ 25
258. geodjango-from-dev-to-deployment
This is the repo for the course: "Web mapping and Web-GIS from Dev to Deploy 2021: GeoDjango".
260. coot
Software for macromolecular model-building
262. pcesk
Static analysis of a parallel Scheme
264. DNCON2
Deep convolutional neural networks for protein contact map prediction
265. silverstripe-sharedraftcontent
Share draft page content with non-CMS users
266. SNES-SuperRoadBlaster
Super Road Blaster is a game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System written in 65816-Assembler.
267. akeem
Akeem is a small JIT-ed subset of R7RS Scheme written in x86-64 assembler as an experiment.
268. ubik
Small Scheme interpreter and compiler
270. AntergosI3
How to install i3 on Antergos
271. pamphlet
Source Codes for "A Pamphlet against R"
✭ 96
272. silverstripe-disqus
Disqus module for SilverStripe CMS
✭ 17
273. Ultimate-Linux-Mint-18.2-Cinnamon
Automatic installation of all necessary programs
274. duck-os
275. MiscRecord
No description, website, or topics provided.
276. s9fes
Scheme 9 from Empty Space (Reimagined)
278. The-Little-Schemer
Scheme code snippets from the book "The Little Schemer", 4th edition
✭ 18
281. schism
A self-hosting Scheme to WebAssembly compiler
282. silverstripe-dbplumber
Silverstripe DB Admin Panel
283. SICPBook
Solutions to SICP book exercises
284. gram
A Wayland Tiling Window Manager (in progress) scriptable in Guile Scheme
285. Ballista
a Express style webframework for Igropyr (Chez Scheme http-server)
286. tree-sitter-org
Org grammar for tree-sitter
287. shepherd-config
My Shepherd user services
288. youtube
Contains files related to the budlabs youtube channel
289. veloxvm
VeloxVM: A virtual machine for resource-constrained IoT devices
292. silverstripe-mock-dataobjects
Allows DataObjects to self-populate intelligently with fake data
293. Ruschm
Scheme(R7RS) interpretor/compiler rust implementation
✭ 66
294. salmonella
A tool for testing CHICKEN eggs
✭ 12
295. neuralkanren
Neural Guided Constraint Logic Programming for Program Synthesis
297. pywebkitgtk
Python bindings to the WebKit GTK+ port
298. miniKanren-hangout-summaries
Summaries of intro and advanced miniKanren hangout series
299. silverstripe-codeeditorfield
A field for editing code in the SilverStripe CMS using Ace Editor (
300. silverstripe-timednotices
Allows CMS users to create and display notices to other CMS users for the duration of a specified time period.