Top 1140 solidity open source projects

551. delphi
💥 Earn Rewards for Saving and Liquidity Provision (work in progress)
552. blockchain-voting 2019
No description, website, or topics provided.
554. yak-aggregator
Onchain dex aggregator for Avalanche
555. blockchain-courses
No description, website, or topics provided.
557. uniswap-oracle
A general purpose price feed oracle built on Uniswap v2 that uses merkle proofs under the hood.
559. protocol
The Aventus Protocol as originally described in the white paper at
560. protocol
OneLedger Universal Protocol
561. split
A protocol for splitting ERC20 tokens into their yield, governance and capital components
563. uniswap-solidity
Solidity implementation of Uniswap contracts
564. smartbugs
SmartBugs: A Framework to Analyze Solidity Smart Contracts
565. solidity
No description, website, or topics provided.
566. taylor
Measure twice, cut once. Lisp-like functional language for computable & immutable specifications, interpreted by WebAssembly & the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
567. uniswap-aragon-app
Aragon app integrated with the Uniswap protocol.
568. multisol
CLI application for verifying Solidity contracts on Etherscan
569. moonbeam-docs
Documentation for the Moonbeam project
570. spartanswap-contracts
📃 Spartan Protocol Smart Contracts V1 - V2
571. metamorphic
A factory contract for creating metamorphic (i.e. redeployable) contracts.
572. advanced-solidity-lottery-application
This is an advanced lottery example smart contract on solidity Ethereum. It has CRUD examples required to create an application on solidity Ethereum.
573. dharma-token
Implementation and testing for core Dharma Token (dToken) contracts, including Dharma Dai and Dharma USD Coin.
576. zarela-SmartContract
Zarela is a peer to peer data platform for trading biosignals on the blockchain network.
577. hardhat-gas-reporter
Gas usage per unit test. Average gas usage per method. (eth-gas-reporter for Hardhat)
578. cryptobridge-contracts
Smart contracts for trustless bridges
579. bzzaar-contracts
No description, website, or topics provided.
580. evil-jar
evil jar attack technical post-mortem
582. erc20-generator
A simple Smart Contract for a Standard, Mintable, Burnable, Payable ERC20 Token with Minter Role.
583. solidity patterns
Smart Contracts Design Patterns in the Ethereum Ecosystem and Solidity Code
584. 2021Q2-hackathon
2021 Q2 全国联动黑客松大赛
586. watcher-ts
No description, website, or topics provided.
587. eth
Dark Forest contracts
588. SafeMoonCash
Home to the SafeMoonCash token and Eco-System
590. vesper-pools
No description, website, or topics provided.
591. platform
Convex Smart Contract Platform
593. defi777-contracts
No description, website, or topics provided.
594. GNNSCVulDetector
Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection Using Graph Neural Networks (IJCAI-20 Accepted)
595. ohmfork-autoclaim
automatically claim and restake vested bonds (mints) from SnowbankDAO, KlimaDAO, Wonderland, and other OlympusDAO forks
596. hegic-resources
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 23
597. SuperFarm-Contracts
Smart contracts driving the SuperFarm platform.
598. mix-item-store
Pluggable smart contract system for storing revisionable MIX content items.
599. polygon-box
Boilerplate code for deploying contracts to the Polygon Matic PoS network.
551-600 of 1140 solidity projects