Top 147 WebAssembly open source projects

51. stack-switching
A repository for the stack switching proposal.
52. decentwitter
Decentralized Twitter on EOS
53. wasm.cljc
Spec compliant WebAssembly compiler, decompiler, and generator
54. WebAssembly-in-Action
Source code for the book "WebAssembly in Action" (
55. elmish-wasm
Experiment to compile something Elm-ish to Wasm
58. exonum-wasmi
Exonum + Wasmi
59. wasm-adventure
My adventure into the marvelous world of Web Assembly
60. web-without-javascript
A demonstration of ways you write dynamic web pages without using Javascript
61. wasm-vm
The Virtual Machine for executing WASM Smart Contracts on the Elrond Network. Based on WASMER.
62. wasmtime-ruby
Ruby bindings for Wasmtime, a WebAssembly runtime
63. aWsm
WebAssembly ahead-of-time compiler and runtime. Focuses on generating fast code, simplicity, and portability.
64. EOSDACRandom
A random number generator smart contract.
65. pCYSl5EDgo
No description, website, or topics provided.
66. fio
The FIO Protocol is a decentralized, open-source blockchain protocol that makes it easier and less risky to use blockchain tokens and coins.
67. eosfilestore
📜🔗 Immutable, censorship resistant, cheap, file storage on EOS blockchain
68. l5
No description, website, or topics provided.
71. eocs
The first cross-chain eos side chain
72. poetry
A poetically dynamic and simple programming language that compiles to WebAssembly!
73. KEEP
Kylin EOS Enhancement Proposals
74. pandafun
The EOS Smart Contract codes for PandaFun
77. Hack-Til-Dawn
No description, website, or topics provided.
78. ci0
mini C compiler / interpreter for VM in 512 lines C program
79. wasm-usage-guide
Guides for generating and using wasm with different language(TypeScript, c++ and rust).
80. wasm runtimes fuzzing
Improving security and resilience of WebAssembly VMs/runtimes/parsers using fuzzing
81. webassembly-game-boy
🎮 WebAssembly Game Boy Emulator
82. sparkwarc
Load WARC files into Apache Spark with sparklyr
84. contract
Powerful Firewall For EOS Contract
85. wasm-raytracer
Raytracing: WebAssembly vs JavaScript
87. danlogs
danlogs is the repository for my YouTube channel, where I teach people about Rust and WebAssembly.
91. Learning-Blockchain-with-EOSIO
A repo of the source code for the course "Learning Blockchain with EOS and C++"
92. yaw
🦀 A wasm interpreter in Rust
93. diepssect
A public repo for hacky diep stuff - networking protocol, WebAssembly, memory editing, & physics
94. wasm2cretonne
Translator from wasm to Cretonne IL
96. webassembly-wave
JavaScript vs WebAssembly performance comparison - wave equation demo
97. wasm-interface-types
Raw Rust toolchain support for Wasm Interface Types
99. rise-of-legions
Rise of Legions is a hybrid of MOBA, tower defense and deckbuilding - with fast-paced, easy-to-pickup tug-of-war strategy. Play solo or bring a friend for co-op or 2v2, collect cards, build your deck and crush your enemies.
100. foxwren
Zig WebAssembly Runtime Engine
51-100 of 147 WebAssembly projects