Top 856 elm open source projects

1. Nokey
A distributed password manager without a master password
✭ 253
2. Decoders
Elegant validation library for type-safe input data (for TypeScript and Flow)
3. Remotedata
Tools for fetching data from remote sources (incl. HTTP).
✭ 239
4. Elm Koans
A set of koans for learning Elm
✭ 233
5. The Elmish Book
A practical guide to building modern and reliable web applications in F# from first principles
7. Gipher
tinder like app for gifs built with elm and firebase
8. Elm Phoenix Socket
Pure Elm state manager for Phoenix channels
✭ 223
9. Compiler
Elm compiler written in Elm
11. Elmfire
Firebase Bindings for Elm
✭ 214
12. Elm Package
Command line tool to share Elm libraries
13. Builtwithelm
A list of projects and apps built with Elm.
✭ 210
14. Safadometro
👼Polyglot implementations of "safadeza" calculus.
✭ 209
15. Elm Test
A unit testing framework for Elm
✭ 208
16. Elm Examples
📖 Practical examples in Elm
17. Reactiveautomaton
🤖 ReactiveCocoa + State Machine, inspired by Redux and Elm.
18. Elm Route Url
Router for single-page-apps in Elm
✭ 205
19. Elm Github Install
An alternative decentralized package manager for Elm
20. Functional Programming In Elm
DRAFT outlining some techniques of functional programming
21. Qian
A minimalist file-explorer using Electron via Elm !
22. Atom Elmjutsu
A bag of tricks for developing with Elm. (Atom package)
24. Virtual Dom
The foundation of HTML and SVG in Elm.
25. Atlasr
Atlasr is a truly open-source and free map browser.
26. Test
Write unit and fuzz tests for Elm code.
✭ 194
27. Elm Form
Dynamic forms handling in Elm
28. Elm 0.19 Workshop
Elm 0.19 workshops. Includes Intro and Advanced courses.
✭ 189
29. Phoenix And Elm
Example application using Elixir, Phoenix and Elm
30. Elm Phoenix
An Elm client for Phoenix Channels
✭ 183
31. Kite
An interactive visualization tool for graph theory:
✭ 183
33. Elm Autocomplete
Autocomplete for Elm apps; in Elm
✭ 181
34. Client
Gingko Writer. Tree-based writing software, written in Elm.
✭ 181
35. Elm Styled
Styling your Html Elements with typed Css 💅
36. Composable Form
Build type-safe composable forms in Elm
37. Elm Street 404
A fun WebGL game built with Elm
38. Elm Repl
A REPL for Elm
40. Learn Elm Architecture In Javascript
🦄 Learn how to build web apps using the Elm Architecture in "vanilla" JavaScript (step-by-step TDD tutorial)!
41. Elm Vega
Elm - Vega Integration for functional declarative visualization
42. Sharry
Sharry is a self-hosted file sharing web application.
43. Sanderling
APIs and libraries to read information directly from the EVE Online game client.
44. Elmstatic
Elm-to-HTML static site generator
45. Elm Serverless
Maintained at:
46. Elm Webgl
Functional 3D Rendering with WebGL in Elm
✭ 167
47. Elm 3d Scene
A high-level 3D rendering engine for Elm, with support for lighting, shadows, and realistic materials.
48. Parser
A parsing library, focused on simplicity and great error messages
✭ 167
49. Elm Typescript Interop
Generate TypeScript declaration files for your elm ports!
✭ 165
50. Fulma
Binding for Elmish using Bulma CSS framework
1-50 of 856 elm projects