sadsfae / Ansible Elk
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π Ansible playbook for setting up an ELK/EFK stack and clients.
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Ansible Playbook for setting up the ELK/EFK Stack and Filebeat client on remote hosts
What does it do?
- Automated deployment of a full 6.x series ELK or EFK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash/Fluentd, Kibana)
ELK versions are maintained as branches andmaster
branch will be 6.x currently. - Uses Nginx as a reverse proxy for Kibana, or optionally Apache via
apache_reverse_proxy: true
- Generates SSL certificates for Filebeat or Logstash-forwarder
- Adds either iptables or firewalld rules if firewall is active
- Tunes Elasticsearch heapsize to half your memory, to a max of 32G
- Deploys ELK clients using SSL and Filebeat for Logstash (Default)
- Deploys rsyslog if Fluentd is chosen over Logstash, picks up the same set of OpenStack-related logs in /var/log/*
- All service ports can be modified in
- Optionally install curator
- Optionally install Elastic X-Pack Suite
- This is also available on Ansible Galaxy
- RHEL7 or CentOS7 server/client with no modifications
- RHEL7/CentOS7 or Fedora for ELK clients using Filebeat
- ELK/EFK server with at least 8G of memory (you can try with less but 5.x series is quite demanding - try 2.4 series if you have scarce resources).
- You may want to modify
as ELK/EFK is demanding and swapping kills the responsiveness.- I am leaving this up to your judgement.
echo "vm.swappiness=10" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -p
- Current ELK version is 6.x but you can checkout the 5.6 or 2.4 branch if you want that series
- I will update this playbook for major ELK versions going forward as time allows.
- Sets the nginx htpasswd to admin/admin initially
- nginx ports default to 80/8080 for Kibana and SSL cert retrieval (configurable)
- Uses OpenJDK for Java
- It's fairly quick, takes around 3minutes on a test VM
- Fluentd can be substituted for the default Logstash
- Set
logging_backend: fluentd
- Set
- Install curator by setting
install_curator_tool: true
- Install Elastic X-Pack Suite for Elasticsearch, LogStash or Kibana via:
install_elasticsearch_xpack: true
install_kibana_xpack: true
install_logstash_xpack: true
- Note: Deploying X-Pack will wrap your ES with additional authentication and security, Kibana for example will have it's own credentials now - the default is username:
and password:changeme
ELK/EFK Server Instructions
- Clone repo and setup your hosts file
git clone
cd ansible-elk
sed -i 's/host-01/elkserver/' hosts
sed -i 's/host-02/elkclient/' hosts
- If you're using a non-root user for Ansible, e.g. AWS EC2 likes to use ec2-user then set the follow below, default is root.
ansible_system_user: ec2-user
- Run the playbook
ansible-playbook -i hosts install/elk.yml
- (see playbook messages)
- Navigate to the ELK at http://host-01:80 (default, nginx) or http://host-01/kibana (apache)
- Default login is:
- username:
- password:
- username:
Create your Kibana Index Pattern
- Next you'll login to your Kibana instance and create a Kibana index pattern.
- Note: Sample data can be useful, you can try it later however.
- At this point you can setup your client(s) to start sending data via Filebeat/SSL
ELK Client Instructions
- Run the client playbook against the generated
ansible-playbook -i hosts install/elk-client.yml --extra-vars 'elk_server=X.X.X.X'
- Once this completes return to your ELK and you'll see log results come in from ELK/EFK clients via filebeat
5.6 ELK/EFK (Deprecated)
- The 5.6 series of ELK/EFK is also available, to use this just use the 5.6 branch
git clone
cd ansible-elk
git checkout 5.6
2.4 ELK/EFK (Deprecated)
- The 2.4 series of ELK/EFK is also available, to use this just use the 2.4 branch
git clone
cd ansible-elk
git checkout 2.4
- You can view a deployment video here:
File Hierarchy
βββ hosts
βββ install
β βββ elk_client.yml
β βββ elk.yml
β βββ group_vars
β β βββ all.yml
β βββ roles
β βββ apache
β β βββ tasks
β β β βββ main.yml
β β βββ templates
β β βββ 8080vhost.conf.j2
β β βββ kibana.conf.j2
β βββ curator
β β βββ files
β β β βββ curator.repo
β β βββ tasks
β β β βββ main.yml
β β βββ templates
β β βββ curator-action.yml.j2
β β βββ curator-config.yml.j2
β βββ elasticsearch
β β βββ files
β β β βββ
β β β βββ elasticsearch.repo
β β βββ tasks
β β β βββ main.yml
β β βββ templates
β β βββ elasticsearch.yml.j2
β βββ elk_client
β β βββ files
β β β βββ elk.repo
β β βββ tasks
β β βββ main.yml
β βββ filebeat
β β βββ meta
β β β βββ main.yml
β β βββ tasks
β β β βββ main.yml
β β βββ templates
β β βββ filebeat.yml.j2
β β βββ rsyslog-openstack.conf.j2
β βββ firewall
β β βββ handlers
β β β βββ main.yml
β β βββ tasks
β β βββ main.yml
β βββ fluentd
β β βββ files
β β β βββ filebeat-index-template.json
β β β βββ fluentd.repo
β β βββ tasks
β β β βββ main.yml
β β βββ templates
β β βββ openssl_extras.cnf.j2
β β βββ td-agent.conf.j2
β βββ heartbeat
β β βββ meta
β β β βββ main.yml
β β βββ tasks
β β β βββ main.yml
β β βββ templates
β β βββ heartbeat.yml.j2
β βββ instructions
β β βββ tasks
β β βββ main.yml
β βββ kibana
β β βββ files
β β β βββ kibana.repo
β β βββ tasks
β β β βββ main.yml
β β βββ templates
β β βββ kibana.yml.j2
β βββ logstash
β β βββ files
β β β βββ filebeat-index-template.json
β β β βββ logstash.repo
β β βββ tasks
β β β βββ main.yml
β β βββ templates
β β βββ 02-beats-input.conf.j2
β β βββ logstash.conf.j2
β β βββ openssl_extras.cnf.j2
β βββ metricbeat
β β βββ meta
β β β βββ main.yml
β β βββ tasks
β β β βββ main.yml
β β βββ templates
β β βββ metricbeat.yml.j2
β βββ nginx
β β βββ tasks
β β β βββ main.yml
β β βββ templates
β β βββ kibana.conf.j2
β β βββ nginx.conf.j2
β βββ packetbeat
β β βββ meta
β β β βββ main.yml
β β βββ tasks
β β β βββ main.yml
β β βββ templates
β β βββ packetbeat.yml.j2
β βββ xpack
β βββ tasks
β βββ main.yml
βββ meta
βββ main.yml
56 directories, 52 files
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